Meaning of Love for the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS)

(Khursheed Alam Dawood Qasmi, India)

It is clear from the various verses of the Glorious Qura’an and numerous Hadiths that a Muslim should love Allah the Exalted, Sayyiduna Muhammadur Rasulullah (Sallallahu Aleihi Wa Sallam!) and Islam more than all loveable objects. In fact, all these are connected with each other. It can’t happen that a person loves Allah; but he does not love His beloved Messenger Muhammad (SAWS) or Islam, or he loves Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) and doesn’t love Allah and Islam. He will have to love all of them altogether. Actually, the perfection of Imaan (faith) depends on loving the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) more than everyone and everything. The second thing is that along with Muhammad (SAWS) being a Prophet and a Messenger, Allah the Almighty created him (SAWS) as such perfect human being who was free from all kinds of shortcoming and defect. He (SAWS) received such an abundant share of beauty, magnificence, perfection, kindness, generosity etc. from Allah that none else had access to it except him (SAWS). What a great personality he was! He (SAWS) was the most perfect person and the best human being on the surface of the earth. He (SAWS), therefore, deserved to be loved more than all creatures and loveable objects!

Sense of love:
Allamah Nawawi (631-676 AH) writes about love: "The essence of love is that (the heart) inclines towards something which is loving and desirable. Then (the heart) inclines sometimes towards something in which a person feels pleasure and he considers it beautiful, like good looks and food etc. And (the heart's) inclination is sometimes towards something whose pleasure is known by his wisdom and intellect on the basis of inner reasons, such as the absolute love for pious people, scholars and the virtuous folks. And sometimes the inclination of the heart is towards a person due to his favour and removing something which is painful and undesirable.” (Al-Minhaaj Sharh Sahih Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj 2/14)

Allama Aeini (1361-1451) defines love: "The connection and inclination of the heart towards something, with the idea that there is some perfection, quality and excellence in it, by the way that the person expresses his inclination and desire in that thing, which brings him closer to it." (Umadah al-Qari 1/142)

"Al-Hubb" and "Al-Mahabbah" both the words (of Arabic language) convey a meaning that is related to the heart, which has a wide meaning in itself in comparison to other attributes and according to its effectiveness, it is the greatest; because there is an inclination of the heart in it and an attraction towards the beloved one and it creates such a consciousness and a spirit of behavior in the nature of a human being that sometimes it happens that the lover sacrifices his everything to get the pleasure of his loved one; rather, in the love of his beloved one, he becomes alienated from himself and leaves his attributes and adopts the attributes of the beloved." (Mahabbate Rasul Sallallahu Aleihi Wa Sallam Imaan Men Se Hai, P.: 10)

Love for the Prophet (SAWS) in the Qura’an:
Allah the Almighty says in the Glorious Qura’an: “The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves.” (Ahzab: 6)

Mufti Muhammad Shafi (1897-1976) writes under the commentary of this verse: “The Prophet (SAWS) has more relation to the believers than themselves; because the self of a person sometimes causes him a benefit and sometimes causes him a loss; because if the soul is good, it moves towards good deeds; then it benefits the person and if it starts going towards bad deeds, then one's own soul becomes a trouble for himself, unlike the Messenger of Allah (SAWS), whose teaching is only beneficial and only good. And even if one's soul is good and moves towards goodness, still its benefit cannot be equal to the benefit from the Messenger of Allah (SAWS); because one's soul can mistake about good and bad, expediency and harm, and it does not even have full knowledge of benefits and harm, unlike the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!), there is no danger of any fallacy in his teachings, and when the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) is closer than our lives and our souls, so his right over us is more than our lives and that right is that we should obey him in every work and we should respect and honour him more than all creatures." (Ma'arif al-Qur'an, Vo.: 7, pp.: 85-86)

Allah the Almighty says at another place in the Glorious Qura’an: “Say, if your fathers and your sons and your brothers and your spouses and your clan and the wealth you have earned and the trade you apprehend will recede and the homes you like are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and Jihad in His way, then, wait until Allah comes with His command. Allah does not lead the sinning people to the right path.” (Al-Taubah: 24)

Under this verse, Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Nomani (1905-1997) writes: “It is distinctly stated in these verses, the love of the Believer for Allah, the Prophet (SAWS) and the Islamic Faith must be stronger than for all the loveable objects in the world. Without it countenance of Allah cannot be gained, nor His special guidance obtained, nor can faith acquire perfection.”

He further writes: “Once this stage is reached, it will not only be easy for anyone to observe the duties of Islam and to carry out the commands of Allah and the Prophet (SAWS); but he will also derive the pleasure even from lying down his life for the sake of Faith. Conversely, a person in whose heart the love for Allah and His Messenger is not entrenched firmly will find it most difficult to keep to the everyday Islamic injunctions and to obey the common religious percept. At best, it will become routine affair, a tediously automatic procedure. Hence, it has been said that unless the love for Allah and the Prophet (SAWS) governs and has control of all other attachments and affections the true station of love cannot be attained not its sweetness perceived.” (Ma’ariful Hadith: 1/135)

Perfection of Imaan:
Several Hadiths guides that a Muslim must love the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) more than any loveable object. If one doesn’t love him (SAWS) more than everything, his Imaan is not perfect. Now, some Hadiths are being mentioned here:
Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah (RA) reports that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: “By Him in Whose Hands my life is, none of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father (Parents) and his children.” (Sahih Bukhari: 14)

Sayyiduna Anas (RA) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: “None of you will have (perfect) faith till he loves me more than his father (Parents), his children and all mankind.” (Sahih Bukhari: 15)

Sayyiduna Anas (RA) relates that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: “None of you has believed, until I am dearer to him than his family, his wealth and all the people.” (Sunan Nasai: 5014)

Sayyiduna Anas (RA) reports that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: “Whoever possesses the following three qualities will have the sweetness (delight) of Imaan: (1) The one to whom Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad SAWS) become dearer than anything else. (2) Who loves a person and he loves him only for the sake of Allah. (3) Who hates to revert to atheism (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into the fire.” (Sahih Bukhari: 16)

The outcome of these verses and Hadiths is that a believer should love Allah the Almighty, His Messenger (SAWS) and Islam more than his family, wealth, relatives and all other worldly things. If he loves someone else, then even that love should be for the sake of Allah. None can be a perfect believer unless he loves Allah, His Messenger (SAWS) and Islam more than everything.

From the aforementioned Hadiths, it is understood that “A person’s faith cannot be perfect until the Prophet (SAWS) is the more beloved to him than everything”; while naturally sometimes, a man's heart’s attachment and its inclination is more towards his parents, wife, children, relatives, wealth etc. So, apparently it means that no Muslim is a “perfect believer.” The scholars of Hadith have answered to this question explaining that there are three types of love:

Natural love: It is an involuntary love. The love that one has for parents, relatives, wife and children is a natural love that is involuntary. This "natural love" is not meant in the Hadith.

Spiritual Love: This is an optional love. The gist of this love is that the nature refuses to do a thing; but faith requires it that this work is the commandment of the Shariah; therefore, we have to do it.

Rational love: It is also an optional love. This means that sometimes the nature is not inclined towards the fulfillment of a task or order; but the wisdom guides that it is beneficial for us to fulfill this order; therefore, we do it. The love that is mentioned in the Hadith, it is the same love that is optional, i.e. the spiritual love and the rational love; so our intellect persuades us to love the Prophet (SAWS) the most; because he is our great benefactor in this world and great intercessor in the hereafter. Allama Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (1372-1448) writes: “And the meaning of love here is an optional love, not a natural love.” (Fath al-Bari: 1/59)

Causes of Love:
Generally, a person loves someone for one or more than one of the three reasons. Those reasons are beauty or handsomeness, perfection or excellence and favour. All these reasons are found in the blessed personality of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) on the highest level. They are explained below:

Beauty or handsomeness: A person loves someone because of his/her outward beauty or handsomeness, as Zuleikha loved Sayyiduna Yusuf (Peace be upon him!), because of his handsomeness. Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was the most handsome person in the world. Many companions (May Allah be pleased with them!) have testified the handsomeness of the Prophet (SAWS). Some Ahaadeeth are quoted here:

Sayyiduna Jabir bin Samurah (RA) said: “I saw the Prophet (SAWS) on a clear night, so I looked at the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) and at the moon, and he was wearing a red dress. He (SAWS) looked better than the moon to me.” (Sunan Tirmidhi: 2811)

The above narration has been mentioned in Shamail Tirmidhi as follows: "Once I saw the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) on the night of a full moon. He (SAWS) wore red clothing on that night. At times I looked at the full moon and at times at the Messenger of Allah (SAWS). Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that he (SAWS) was more handsome and more radiant than the full moon." (Shamail Tirmidhi: 9)

Hind bin Abi Haalah (RA) reports: “The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) had great qualities and attributes in him, others also held him in high esteem. His face glittered like the full moon.” (Shobul Imaan: 1362)

Sayyiduna Anas bin Malik (RA) reports: "Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) was of a medium stature, he was neither very tall nor very short. He was very handsome, of medium built and his hair was neither very curly nor very straight (but was slightly wavy). He had a wheat coloured complexion. When he walked, he leaned forward slightly". (Shamail Tirmidhi: 02)

Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah (RA) says: "I didn’t see anyone more handsome as Allah’s Messenger (SAWS). It was as if the brightness of the sun had shone from his auspicious face. I didn’t see anyone walking faster than him, as if the earth folded for him. A few moments ago, he (SAWS) would be here, and then there. We found it difficult to keep pace, when we walked with him (SAWS), and he (SAWS) walked at his normal pace." (Shamail Tirmidhi: 116)

Perfection or excellence: One of the reasons for loving someone is his/her inner perfection and excellence, such as knowledge, grace, ability, virtue etc. The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was granted hundreds of excellences and perfections. The prophet-hood ended on him and he (SAWS) was the final prophet. He (SAWS) said: "The prophet-hood has ended on me and no prophet will come after me." (Al-Mujam Al-Awsat: 3274) Allah the Almighty honoured him (SAWS) with the knowledge of the first and the last. Then all the perfections and excellences which are found in the creatures are due to him (SAWS), because he is the distributer. Allah’s Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said: “I am just a distributor, but the grant is from Allah.” (Sahihul Bukhari: 71)

Favour and Generosity: A person loves someone because of his/her favour and generosity. The attribute of favour and generosity was also found in the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) on the highest level. Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas (RA) says: “The Prophet (SAWS) was the most generous person, and he used to become more so (generous) particularly in the month of Ramadan, because Jibril (AS) used to meet him every night of the month of Ramadan till it elapsed. Allah's Messenger (SAWS) used to recite the Qur'an for him. When Jibril met him, he (SAWS) used to become more generous than the fair winds sent (by Allah) with glad tidings (of rain in doing good). (Sahihul Bukhari: 4997)

In another narration, Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) says: "When the month of Ramadan arrives, the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) would set free every prisoner and fulfill the wishes of every questioner." (Mushkaat: 1966)

Allamah Nawawi (631-676 AH), after describing the reasons of love, says: "All these reasons are present in the personality of the Prophet (SAWS), because he is a composite of external and internal beauty, perfection, excellence and all kinds of virtues, and especially he (SAWS) made a great favour by guiding Muslims towards the straight path, eternal bliss and by instructing them to stay away from the hell. (Al-Minhaj Sharah Sahih Muslim Bin Al-Hajjaj: 2 / 14)

Requisites of Love for the Prophet (SAWS):
It is not enough to just say with our tongue that we love Allah Ta'ala and Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) from our heart and soul, on the contrary, the requisites of love for the Prophet (SAWS) are that we fulfill the commandments of Allah the Almighty which He has commanded and stop from those things which Allah Almighty has forbidden. Follow the guidance given in the Holy Qura’an. Abide by the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAWS). Make his life a model and do everything as he (SAWS) did. Study the biography of the Prophet (SAWS). Send the Salaah and Salaam abundantly upon him (SAWS). In short, a Muslim should consider his success only in following his Sunnah and his life style. Allah the Almighty says: “Say (O Prophet): if you really love Allah, then follow me, and Allah shall love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful.” (Aal Imran: 31)

It is heartfelt desire of each and every Muslim to die in the state of Faith (Imaan) and after leaving this mortal world, they should be resurrected with the prophets, messengers, companions, martyrs and pious people. For this desire, it is necessary that we love these people, we love them from the bottom of our hearts and we must follow their instructions and injunctions. Then we will be resurrected with these great personalities, In Shaa Allah. Here is a Hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). He (SAWS) says: “Everyone will be with those whom he loves." (Sahih Bukhari: 6168) That is, a person's resurrection will be with a person he loves. This Hadith also guides us that if we want our fate with the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Aleihi Wa Sallam), we must love him from the bottom of our hearts. ●●●●

*Moon Rays Trust School, Zambia, Africa
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Khursheed Alam Dawood Qasmi
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