Sultan ul Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (RA)

(Abdur Rehman, Lahore)

Sultan ul Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo(R.A.) is popular among saints, Sufi orders, spiritual chains and even Sufi poets and even simple followers or readers of Tasawwuf. Although his roots belong to the Subcontinent, Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) is popular worldwide due to his inclusion in so many genres of religion, spiritual chains, poetry and even music. His Punjabi poetry has a popular appeal and earned him lasting fame. His Kalam/couplets known as Ibyat are sung in many genres of Sufi music by well known singers both folk and pop. The Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to such missionary Sufi saints whose shrines and dargahs dot the landscape of Punjab. He is the one who set the foundation of Sarwari Qadri Order which connects to Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A.) and hence to Hazrat Mohammad (pbuh).

Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan-ul-Faqr V Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo(R.A.) belonged to the 'Awan' tribe and Awans' genealogical tree goes back to Hazrat Ali Karam Allah Wajhul Kareem. Awans are Hazrat Ali's progeny from wives other than Hazrat Fatima Razi Allah Anha.
Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) used to write a few introductory lines about himself in the preface of all his books, just as other authors of his age did, and then put light on the objectives of the book. Wherever, he has given his introduction, he has always written 'Awan' with his name. In Noor-ul-Huda Kalan he says; "the writer of this book Sarwari Qadri Faqeer Bahoo, Fana-Fi-Hoo, son of Bazayad Mohammad, commonly known as Awan, resident of Qilla Shore (Shorekot) always says truth." The same lines, with the change of a few words, are written in almost all his books which prove that he belonged to Awan tribe.
Sultan Hamid Ali writes the genealogical tree of Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) in his book "Manaqib-e-Sultani" as:
Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo son of Hazrat Bazayed Mohammad son of Shaikh Sultan Fateh Mohammad son of Shaikh Allah Ditta son of Shaikh Mohammad Tameem son of Shaikh Mohammad Mannan son of Shaikh Mohammad Moghla son of Shaikh Mohammad Paida son of Shaikh Mohammad Saghara son of Shaikh Mohammad Anun son of Shaikh Mohammad Sala son of Shaikh Mohammad Bahari son of Shaikh Jaimoon son of Shaikh Mohammadd Hargan son of Shaikh Anwar Shah son of Shaikh Mohammad Amir Shah son of Shaikh Qutb Shah son of Hazrat Aman Shah son of Hazrat Sultan Hussain Shah son of Hazrat Shaikh Feroz Shah son of Hazrat Mehmood Shah son of Hazrat Shaikh Fartak Shah son of Hazrat Shaikh Nawab Shah son of Hazrat Shaikh Darab Shah son of Hazrat Adham Shah son of Hazrat Shaikh Abeek Shah son of Hazrat Shaikh Sikandar Shah son of Hazrat Shaikh Ahmad Shah son of Hazrat Hajar Shah son of Hazrat Ameer Zubair son of Hazrat Ali Karam Allah Wajhul Kareem bin Abu Talib.

Ancestors & Parents
Ancestors of Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) lived in Anga, a village in Valley of Saun Sakesar (Tehsil Naushehra, District Khoshab, Punjab Pakistan). Their shrines and remains of their houses can still be found in Anga and its vicinity. The shrine of Sultan-ul-Arifeen's grandfather Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Fateh Mohammad is in the graveyard of Anga and the shrine of his grandmother is also nearby.
Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo's father's name was Sultan Bazayed Mohammad (R.A.) who was a soldier by profession and held a special position in the army of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. He was a pious and virtuous Hafiz-e-Quran. He spent his early life in Jahad.
Sultan-ul-Arifeen shows great devotion and love towards his mother in his books. He says "thousands of blessings of Allah upon Bibi Raasti for naming me Bahoo". Bibi Raasti was stationed at the highest level of Faqr i.e Fana Fi Hoo (annihilated in Hoo). She was informed of Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo's grandeur and spiritual status before his birth and his name "Bahoo" (one with Hoo) was revealed to her, so she named him Bahoo in obedience to Allah's orders.

Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) was born in Shorekot, Jhang in the reign of Shah Jahan on Thursday, Ist Jamadi-us-Sani 1039 Hijri (17th Jan 1630) at the time of Fajar prayer. According to"Manaqib-e-Sultani" when Bibi Raasti (R.A.) reached Shorekot from Anga, she was about to give birth to Sultan-ul-Arifeen and she was informed through spiritual revelation that this child would be the Sultan of Arifeens (knowers of Allah) and will be born in the valley of Chenab. She named this sacred child "Bahoo" according to the Divine order, as his status and name was already revealed to her. Sultan-ul-Arifeen says: Bahoo's mother named him Bahoo because Bahoo has always remained with (Hoo).
Before him, no one in history has ever been named Bahoo. Sultan-ul-Arifeen is the exact manifestation of Ism-e-Hoo. In his books, he frequently calls himself Faqeer Bahoo Fana Fi-Hoo and describes his status of Fana (annihilation) and Baqa (immortality) with Hoo.
Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo is the Sultan of all Sultans (Arifeens and saints) i.e. Sultan-ul-Arifeen and is stationed at the highest status of Sultan-ul-Faqr, that is why, 'Sultan' became a part of his name and afterwards, writers and research scholars added 'Mohammad' to his name due to respect. Common people also call him 'Haq Bahoo'.

Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) remained engrossed in heavenly experiences and doubtless spiritual triumphs from an early age. Once, he was lying at some place, a group of Hindu ascetics passed by, one of them hit him by his foot and asked him to show them the way. He got up and recited the kalma (creed). This group of ascetics accepted Islam there and then by just his one glance and the stroke of creed recited by his sacred tongue. All of them afterwards became saints.

Divine Truth and Oath of Allegience
One day, engrossed in Allah's vision, he was wandering in the suburbs of Shorekot, suddenly an extremely honorable and dignified rider appeared who held his hand and told him affectionately that "I am Ali bin Abu Talib". Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) was young of age, not of intellect. He at once recognized Hazrat Ali and was about to sacrifice his self for him. Hazrat Ali looked towards him and said "Son! Today you are summoned in the court of Holy Prophet Sall'Allahu Alayhi Wa'alihi Wasallam". Then in a moment he found himself in the Assembly of the Holy Prophet. He writes about this experience of presence in the assembly of Holy Prophet Sall'Allahu Alayhi Wa'alihi Wasallam, "Whatever I saw there, it was with my physical eyes and experienced everything with my physical body". In Risala Roohi Sharif, he says: “Hazrat Mohammad Sall'Allahu Alayhi Wa'alihi Wasallam has took my allegiance and called me his spiritual son. He has allowed and ordered me to persuade and guide people on the divine way to Allah.” Sultan-ul-Arifeen met Shaikh Abdul Rehman Jilani on Friday, 29 Ziqa'ad 1078 Hijri (11th May 1668). Shaikh took him in privacy. Sultan-ul-Arifeen received his eternal destiny in the form of Ism-e-Allah Zaat in only one meeting with his Murshid, he found everything he wanted and returned replete and brimful with the emotions to benefit people with this favour and benevolence.

Spiritual Title Sultan-ul-Arifeen
Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) is known by the title of "Sultan-ul-Arifeen" among all the Auliya (saints) and Arifeen (knowers). When Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) became known in the world by the title of "Sultan-ul-Arifeen", some false pirs and fraudulants all over the world, especially in the sub-continent and Jammu Kashmir, started using this title with their names. Followers and devotees of some saints also attached this title with that saint's name. It should be clearly understood that the title "Sultan-ul-Arifeen" is specific only for Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (R.A.), only he truly and factually deserves and owns this title, others are just imitators.
The title ‘Sultan-ul-Arifeen’ is used in Islamic Sufism. ‘Sultan’ refers to the king or leader whereas Arifeen is derived from its singular Arif which means the perfect knower of Allah. Hence, Sultan-ul-Arifeen means the King of the Knowers of Allah. The title 'Sultan-ul-Arifeen' belongs only to Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) as confirmed by well-known scholars, authors and the descendants of Sultan Bahoo. No other saint has been acknowledged by this title. Sultan-ul-Arifeen was endowed to him by the court of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).

Sarwari Qadri Order
Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan-ul-Faqr Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) followed the "Sarwari Qadri way". In almost all of his books he has declared himself "Qadri" and has explained the excellence and spiritual beneficence of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Razi Allah Anhu from whom this order continues. Sultan-ul-Arifeen named Qadri order as "Sarwari Qadri" where Sarwari refers the leader-the Holy Prophet (pbuh)and Qadri is directed to Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Razi Allah Anhu. Sultan-ul-Arifeen declares Sarwari Qadri way the actual and perfect Qadri way which flourished in the Subcontinent due to his efforts. He says about the Qadri way that:
Qadri order has two off shoots, Zahidi and Sarwari Qadri. Sarwari Qadri Murshid is the possessor of all the attributes of Ism-e-Allah Zaat that is why when he blesses a seeker with the Divine guidance and persuasion of Ism-e-Allah Zaat, he grants him an equal status of his own. Thus seeker becomes so indifferent to all needs and completely resigned to Allah that gold and soil becomes equal for him. On the contrary the follower of Zahidi Qadri order has to devote at least twelve years to hard mystic struggles, then Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Razi Allah Anhu helps him and elevates him to the status of majzoob (lunatic) devotee, while the status of a Sarwari Qadri devotee is that of belovedness. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Sarwari Qadri is actually the one who swears allegiance upon the hands of Hazrat Mohammad Sall'Allahu Alayhi Wa'alihi Wasallam. All the evils and immoral behaviors are removed from his self and is blessed with the taufeeq (Divine favour) to adopt the way of Shariat-e-Mohammadi. (Mehek-ul-Faqr Kalan)
The Sarwari Qadri lineage reaches Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (R.A.) in the following order:
1. Prophet Mohammad Sall’Allahu Alayhi Wa’alihi Wasallam
2. Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib Karum Allah Wajhu
3. Hazrat Khawaja Hassan Basri Razi Allah Anhu
4. Hazrat Shaikh Habib Ajmi (R.A.)
5. Hazrat Shaikh Daud Tai (R.A.)
6. Hazrat Shaikh Maroof Karkhi (R.A.)
7. Hazrat Shaikh Sir’ri Saqti (R.A.)
8. Hazrat Shaikh Junaid Baghdadi (R.A.)
9. Hazrat Shaikh Jafar Abu Bakr Shibli (R.A.)
10. Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Aziz Bin Hars Bin Asad Tameemi (R.A.)
11. Hazrat Shaikh Abu-al-Fazal Abdul Wahid Tameemi (R.A.)
12. Hazrat Shaikh Mohammad Yousaf Abu-al-Farrah Turtoosi (R.A.)
13. Hazrat Shaikh Abu-al-Hassan Ali Bin Mohammad Qureshi Hankari (R.A.)
14. Hazrat Abu Saeed Mubarak Makhzoomi (R.A.)
15. Ghaus-ul-Azam Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Razi Allah Anhu
16. Hazrat Shaikh Taj-ud-Din Abu Bakr Syed Abdul Razzaq Jilani (R.A.)
17. Hazrat Shaikh Syed Abdul Jabbar (R.A.)
18. Hazrat Shaikh Syed Mohammad Sadiq Yahya (R.A.)
19. Hazrat Shaikh Syed Najm-ud-Din Burhan Puri (R.A.)
20. Hazrat Shaikh Syed Abdul Fattah (R.A.)
21. Hazrat Shaikh Syed Abdul Sattar (R.A.)
22. Hazrat Shaikh Syed Abdul Baqqa (R.A.)
23. Hazrat Shaikh Syed Abdul Jaleel (R.A.)
24. Hazrat Shaikh Syed Abdul Rehman Jilani Dehlvi (R.A.)
25. Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (R.A.)

After 139 years of death of Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (R.A.), Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani (R.A.) was selected and sent by the Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) to whom Sultan-ul-Arifeen transferred Amanat-e-Elahiya (The Trust of Allah).

Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh died in the age of 63 years on Thursday 1st Jamadi-us-Sani 1102 Hijri (1st march 1691 A.D) at the time of Asar prayer. It is unanimously agreed upon by all the biographers that age of Sultan-ul-Arifeen was exactly 63 years at the time of death according to lunar calendar.

The present shrine is situated in a populated area. The city Garh Maharaja is at a distance of two miles from the shrine, Ahmad Pur Sial is in the south, in the east there is city of Shorekot across the river Jehlum and Chenab and the Muzzaffar Garh Road passes at the distance of one and a half mile towards the west. This shrine is a source of beneficence for the whole world. Hundreds of mystics remain in seclusion in the shrine for the sake of Vision of Allah. It is acknowledged by many seekers of Divine Truth and Reality that they are never returned empty handed from here.

Books Written by Sultan ul Airfeen
Over 140 books have been written by him. All his books are written in Persian except "Abyat-e-Bahoo" (verses) which is in Punjabi language. Sultan Bahoo's writing style is very simple and easy to understand, even for a less educated person. His writings are so fluent and influential that they grip the reader completely.
1. Abyat-e-Bahoo (Punjabi)
2. Risala-e-Ruhi or Risala Roohi Shareef
3. Deewan-e-Bahoo (Persian)
4. Sultan-ul-Waham (Kalan)
5. Sultan-ul-Waham (Khurd)
6. Noor ul Huda (Kalan)
7. Noor-ul Huda (Khurd)
8. Aqal-e-Beydar
9. Mehak-ul-Faqr (Kalaan)
10. Mehak-ul-Faqr (Khurd)
11. Aurang Shahi
12. Jamay-ul-Asrar
13. Taufeeq-ul-Hidayat
14. Kaleed ul Tauheed (Kalaan)
15. Kaleed ul Tauheed (Khurd)
16. Ain ul Faqr
17. Shams ul Arifeen
18. Asrar e Qadri
19. Majalisa-tul-Nabi
20. Kashf-ul Asrar
21. Gunj-ul-Asrar
22. Fazlul-Laqa(Khurd)
23. Fazalul-Laqa (Kalan)
24. Kaleed-e-Jannat
25. Miftah-ul-Arifeen
26. Ameer-ul-Kaunain
27. Taigh-e-Barhana
28. Qurb-e-Deedar
29. Ain-ul-Arifeen
30. Mohabbat-ul-Asrar
31. Miftah-ul-Arifeen
32. Muhkam-ul-Fuqara
33. Deedar Bakhsh
34. Tarfa-tul-Ain

1. Manaqib-i-Sultani-hagiography written by Sultan Hamid
2. Shams-ul-Fuqara-an encyclopedia of the teachings of Sultan-ul-Arifeen written by Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman ISBN 978-969-9795-04-6
3. Sultan Bahoo-The Life and Teachings: (Shams-ul-Fuqara in English): written by Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman and Translation of by Yasmin Khurshid Malik Sarwari Qadri, Ambreen Moghees Sarwari Qadri, Neyn Tara Sarwari Qadri ISBN 978-969-9795-18-3
4. Sultan Bahu Life and Works written by Sayyid Aḥmad Saʻīd Hamdānī
5. Sufism:Heart of Islam written by Sadia Dehlvi ISBN 978-93-5029-448-2
6. Mujtaba Akhir Zamani-life history of the Mashaikhs of the Sarwari Qadri Order written by Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman ISBN 978-969-9795-07-7
7. The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order: (Mujtaba Akhir Zamani in English): Written by Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman and Translation of by Yasmeen Khurshid Malik Sarwari Qadri, Ambreen Moghees Sarwari Qadri, Neyn Tara Sarwari Qadri
8. Sarwari Qadiri Order ISBN 9781158473861
9. Kalam Mashaikh Sarwari Qadri-poetry of spiritual guides of Sarwari Qadri Order written by Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman
10. Sawaneh Hayat (biography) Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani (R.A.)
11. Mirat-e-Sultani written by Dr. Sultan Altaf Ali
12. Auliya-e-Jhang' written by: Iqbal Zuberi
13. Tazkarah-tul-Auliya written by Hazrat Farid ud Din Attar (R.A.)
14. Tareekh-e-Jhang written by: Iqbal Zuberi
15. Biographical Encyclopedia of Sufis by N. Hanif ISBN 9788176250870

Abdur Rehman
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