How is intercession?

(M Qasim Waqar Sialvi, Faisalabad)

Intercession is both a good and a bad deed.

There is nothing wrong with interceding for someone, but it is worth considering whether intercession should be done. Islam is a complete code of life. While it encourages its followers to worship, it also pays special attention to morality. A person who is absorbed in the pleasures of this world does not consider it a bad deed for him to rob others of their rights for his own personal gain. Before proceeding further on this topic, please read this saying of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) carefully and keep it in mind.

It is narrated from Hazrat Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Allah Almighty gives blessings to some people so that they benefit others. As long as they continue to benefit the servants, those blessings remain, but when they stop benefiting, Allah Almighty withdraws His blessings from them. (Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabir, Sha’b Al-Iman)

On the one hand, gratitude for blessings means that the servant becomes a distributor, a person who is useful to others, a doer of good, a person who distributes ease. Among these good deeds is also interceding for someone. Prayer is also a kind of intercession that we present before Allah Almighty, we ask for others to receive His blessings, the meaning of the hadith is that whatever prayer we make for someone, Allah Almighty accepts it for us. Therefore, whenever we raise our hands in prayer before the Lord for someone’s success, failure, improvement or degradation, we must consider who we are interceding for.

One should recommend a deserving person to get his position so that the deserving person gets his right, but never recommend someone who is not deserving. Sometimes, a deserving person gets success with our two words, and sometimes, through our recommendation, the meanest person gets a position and opens the doors of humiliation for people.

If recommending a hardworking student is making his education easier, then it is definitely worth it, but recommending an incompetent person and getting a fake degree is an equal share in his sin. The person who recommends will be equally entitled to whatever wrong decisions or actions he takes.

If any welfare work is being done, an institution, mosque, or madrasa is being built, or assistance is being provided in its arrangements, then encouraging people to do so will also come under the category of good recommendation. Continuous charity will be called as long as the good deed continues, good deeds will continue to accumulate in the account of the person who encourages it. But on the contrary, in the case of bad deeds like gambling, drug dealing, prostitution, wrongdoing, illegal consumption, usury, if we have recommended, got the work done, issued a permit, facilitated, we will continue to receive an equal share of the misfortune of that bad deed.

Helping a poor person or assisting in helping, helping a poor person in the marriage of their daughter, taking care of someone's modesty and self-respect, taking care of their household expenses, etc. or giving them their monthly ration, helping a poor and needy person start a small business so that they can run their household expenses are good and good deeds that are recommended.

Protecting or interceding for an innocent person from litigation, helping someone in an illegal case, offering legal assistance, acting as an advocate, or using one's connections to get their legitimate rights will also be called interceding for goodness. On the contrary, helping someone in an illegal act and winning a false case, helping the owners of colonies who grab farmers' lands and scare the poor, or spreading false propaganda to make them think that their value in the market is low or that this place is going to be destroyed and destroyed in the coming time, now is the time to take advantage of it, this will also come under the category of wrong interceding.

Can one get compensation from someone by interceding for their work? In this regard, see a tradition from Abu Dawud:
It was narrated from Abu Uma (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Whoever intercedes for someone, then the intercessor gives a gift in return and the intercessor accepts the gift, then he has gained the door of usury for himself.

A good and virtuous intercession is that which we do without any greed, simply for the sake of Allah. We should hope for the reward of goodness and goodness only from Allah, with the certainty that He is the Most Generous and the Best of Rewarders. Worldly greed and worldly affairs are only for a few days, but the life of the Hereafter depends on good deeds and good deeds, which is eternal life and also real life.

M Qasim Waqar Sialvi
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