Uncle Sam! You must leave by now

(Fateh Ullah Khan Kundi, )

Students who pick the subjects like international politics, political science or international relations are taught this statement even in the very first lecture of their course, “No international policy regarding the foreign affairs is drafted to remain forever. There is no permanent friend and foe in international politics.” Right, so whoever being in bondage with another nation in the pursuit of striving for the accomplishments of goals of common interest must not expect of the partner beyond the marked line. It’s the very common strategy used in foreign relations but the current echoes and allegations of USA regarding the links of Pakistan spy agency ISI with the so called Haqqani Network and the exertion of pressure upon the government of Pakistan and its military leadership to deploy armies there in North Waziristan and launch a severe military operation against Haqqani Network or else USA reserves the right to stage a military action against them by their own selves seems very absurd. Being such an advanced and developed country, they are even forgetting about the very golden lesson of international politics.

Being a sovereign and independent country on the map of the world, we have given an open approval to America of drone attacks against the miscreants absolutely ignoring our own sovereignty. American CIA person Raymond Davis allegedly killed two Pakistani citizens in Lahore. We did nothing to him and safely handed him over to America. USA launched the May 2 raid on our soil without our prior permission. People even raised fingers on our proud army and our darling ISI faced severe chastisement on the internal fronts by media and political parties. But we drank this cup of extreme anger also with patience. Despite all these sacrifices which the Pakistan offered merely for the survival of strategic partnership, now America wants immediate action against Haqqani Network. People are no more babes in the wood. Everyone knows very well that these Taliban including Haqqani which have been labeled as terrorists today by the European media are in fact the creation of America to use them against the Soviet Union in the pursuit of taking the revenge of Vietnam. Today if USA is going against them because of the one reason or the other. Well, better go but Pakistan can’t. After all, since the day we became their strategic partners, just suffering and loosing remained in our fate. Before the arrival of America in Afghanistan, our western border was completely safe. Now through American instigation or at least deliberate negligence, the day to day incursions on our security check posts are taking place. Also India is intervening in Baluchistan affairs through active American support. All the militants just a decade ago were pain in the neck for all anti Pakistan countries but today our Army is at war with them. Beside this we lost about 30000 precious lives and 5000 security personals. Also our government performed such mysterious tasks for America that have totally bewildered a common Pakistani. Majority of our people still lie in this zone of perplexity over these matters.

All Taliban specifically the Haqqani Network kept very good and exemplary relations with Pakistan throughout their tenure. We must appreciate this warmth of goodness. Today if Haqqani Network or any other splinter group of Taliban is targeting the US bases or embassies, right it’s their problem. We are not supposed to secure the NATO forces in Afghanistan. We being a welfare state, are suffering from sorts of chaotic disasters, upheavals and dire challenges. Poverty, Breakdown in law and order, targeted killing, ethnic and political divides, widespread hunger, homelessness, corruption and dengue have resulted in unrest in all sectors of society. Feeling of dire hopelessness is aggravating among the stricken fraternity of our country. For the time being, we must pay heed to how to resolve these issues despite of playing a parallel role along you in the war against terror. If we put an end to these all challenges with harmony, it will be our extreme ingenuity. Pakistan has also some interests linked to this so called war against terror which he must secure through every possible means. You can’t enforce us to act against our own interests.

Tomorrow America will leave Afghanistan but Pakistan is not a kind of vehicle or airplane which would flew along with America. Pakistan is supposed to be right on this place in the very neighborhood of Afghanistan which if peaceful and friendly towards Pakistan is in our vast interest.

On one side, America proclaims Pakistan of being his key strategic partner. On the other side, he is flapping to establish a pro Indian government in Afghanistan before departure. This duplicity of American policy has also played a key role in scattering Pakistan’s attention to solely focus on this war. Pro Indian establishment in Afghanistan is by no means in our interest. Indian think tanks are drafting such policies to make Pakistan a sand witch between India and probably their pro India Afghanistan and then to launch a network of covert activities to weaken it to avenge their claimed allegations of Pakistan being directly and actively involved in Kashmir and even in India.

We have already lost extensively first in the Soviet’s era and now in this war of insurgency. We want a peaceful end to this war. We, a severely stricken nation by no means afford more wars and military operations. We want to smash the full stop being put up to our development since 80s. We request Uncle Sam with all humility to please wash your hands of Afghanistan and go back to your own land with peace and honour. After getting Osama Bin Laden, your job has been over. Don’t let Afghanistan yet graveyard for another empire. It’s the golden chance to withdraw your troops; you wouldn’t have it again and again. Better leave Afghanistan, have a mercy on yourselves and us.

As far as the matter of peace in Afghanistan is concerned, it will automatically prevail soon in Afghanistan. We will be very thankful to you and obliged.

(The writer is an undergraduate level student of Civil Engineering and freelance journalist)

Fateh Ullah Khan Kundi
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