December Reprovoked

(Arooba, Karachi)

27th December 2007, nobody can forget that dead evening, when Pakistan was deprieved of her most precious gem, and cried like a bereaved mother who loses her most lovable and obedient child. The black evening, when we delighted with the moment-to-moment news about the rally of great leader from every local and international channel, nobody knows that what will be happening within the next two hours, which will put worst affect on the fortune of the nation that will last to centuries…

4:15 pm: “Chair person of PPP Benazir Bhutto presiding the election rally at
Liaquat Bag Rawalpindi.”

4.45 pm: Her meaningful speech before the crowded devotees, after Bhutto any politician did.

5:38 pm: A breaking news about Bomb blast in the rally but she was reportedly save.

5:47 pm: She was hurt by the blast and rushed to the Rawalpindi General Hospital.

5:50 pm: She was reportedly saved…the whole environment echoed with “Jiye Bhutto” Slogans and “Jieye Bhutto Benazir” songs. But, no body can control that’s going to be happen and finally at;

5:57 pm “An unforgettable tragic and shocking news jolted the entire world that the Nation lost her great leader and Mohattrama Benazir Bhutto has martyred.

Nobody could ever expected to hear and listen the tragic and shocking most news, except those who assassinated her. People at first tried to cover up the shock by getting media a rumor spreader, but after one-hour continuous news, world especially Pakistan filled with bloody tears. We didn’t only lost a great leader, but a humble, generous, benevolent and outstanding personality was snatched from the entire world.

Benazir Bhutto, the daughter of the valiant father Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, followed the principles of her father whole life. She dedicated her whole life to serve the poor; her mission was to uplift Pakistan to the sky and worked hard for it. Highly educated from world top Universities: Oxford and Harvard, married a landlord Asif Ali Zardari, gave birth to two Girls, Bakhtawar and Asifa Bhutto Zardari, and a son, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. Became Member of National Assembly, selected as Head of the country twice. She stood as omnipotent political entity; her way of life was modest, reflecting the moral and religious values. Benazir Bhutto strived day and night to fulfill the complex responsibility of the betterment of Pakistan on her shoulders, went from pillar to post to recognize Pakistan before the whole world, and at last slept in the arms of peaceful, yet tragic death.

I can’t forget that day, when the person I admired most, would go from world this way. Every one was shattered and every eye cried. Even people that were against her, mourned for her death. BB’s absence death prayer, recitation of Holy Quran, and Baksheesh Prayers were offered in many places of the world, and still people recite Quran for her.

Her respect further became sovereign when in many countries, including America; flags were placed on half mask. America wrote the BOOK OF CONDOLENCE, which was signed by big politicians in a Museum. Pakistan Elections, which were going to be held at 5th January 2008, were also postponed till February 18th 2008. Government of Pakistan demonstrated three days for mourning.

Despite the fact that one-year has been passed, BB’s memories are still fresh in our brains. Pakistan still smells her fragrance, her smile is still scene in her numerous postures, with waving hands to her people. Nothing has changed, every thing is same as it was before 27th December 2007, except our eyes, that were dry before but now wet, except our hearts; that were happy before, but now mourning, except our country, that was quite relaxed before but now restless. Her assassination made a big vacuum that would never be filled.

The incident, still stands unbelievable, it appears as a horrible dream, that BB is no more with us. She has left the world. I wish that it would be really a dream, and BB would come again, sitting proudly on Prime Minister seat and bearing a graceful smile, as she always did.

December 27th 2008 is near, and our hearts are filled with bloody tears, the air has become silent, birds have stopped chirping loudly, sun rises and sets silently, night appears without alarming, morning is as peaceful, but everything of your land misses you BB. Pakistan misses you a lot; we can never forget you and your blood that you shed valiantly for the sake of your land. You truly deserve to be leader of the great land called Pakistan. World will remember you, till it ends. We hope you would be very happy there, and will be smiling as ever.

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