Evaluating a job offer: 6 steps to consider
Knowing that you’ve received numerous job offers is flattering and just what
you’ve been aiming for as a graduation goal. High salaries, intriguing benefit
packages, and fancy titles are tempting you like a free tropical holiday, so how
do you choose between these seemingly exceptional jobs?
1. Function: Ideally you’ll use the skills you developed in business
school to produce personal success and company improvement. And hopefully you’ll
gain even more skills, either through formal training or on-the-job experiences,
to add to your skills bank. Accordingly, make sure your new role is challenging,
as nothing leads to career static like a boring job that seems elementary. Take
into account if and how the prospective role will evolve and whether you’ll have
the opportunity to strengthen the role or even gain access to a higher position
from ‘mastering’ the position’s demands.
2. Location: Choosing a city that has good economic, social, and cultural
benefits can be harder than you think. Keep in mind that if you are a consultant
or banker you may not have much time for social or extracurricular events in
your first year or two after graduation, so you may consider choosing a city you
feel won’t be your permanent home, if the career benefits are there. If you feel
you will be working long hours, find accommodation near your workplace to avoid
long, tiring commutes.
3. Environment: Good working relationships are key to career success. Try
to get a sense of your boss’ work habits and if possible, meet your potential
colleagues. Can you see yourself working with these people? Do you think you
will enjoy working with them? It does not have to be positive, however if it is
negative, perhaps you should reconsider!’
4. Career Prospects: The importance of creating the right career path:
Make this job an excellent stepping stone; look at where you want to get to over
the next 3-5 years and your long-term career aims. Put some milestones down so
your career path looks manageable and realistically achievable.
5. Company values: Does the corporate culture reflect your personal and
professional values and goals? Do they uphold the highest standards of ethical
practice? Is the staff diverse? If you value hard work between the hours of 9
and 5 and the company values 24-hour dedication, you may decide its standards
are not in sync with your own. Furthermore, many companies, especially online
businesses, encourage team proactivity and a happy working environment.
6. Salary and Benefits: Make sure to consider company benefits such as
bonuses, as what seems like a low salary quite easily could end up being a
higher salary than offered for a similar position at a different company.
Furthermore, it goes without saying that evaluating purchasing power in the
country in which you intend to work is essential. You’d be surprised what a
seemingly small amount of money can get you in some countries. And finally,
while salary is very important, it shouldn’t be the be-all-end-all of job
selection: ‘Always place a financial figure against the development and
lifestyle opportunities that are available to you in both jobs.