AIDS in Pakistan

(Tariq Mahmood, Montreal)

Pakistan is such a country, where religious, traditional and culture values are given more preference than any body’s life. Majority of people concern about their traditions and may scarify any body’s life to save their traditions and values. Due to illiteracy / unawareness, many Pakistanis consider illegal sexual relationship, the only cause of the disease because HIV/AIDS is a disease which directly links with religious and cultural values. This attitude often generates fear, misunderstanding and discrimination amongst general public and patients. Misunderstandings are created by inaccurate or insufficient knowledge related to HIV/AIDS. Discrimination and isolation can be exacerbated by emotional, cultural, sexual and religious influences. Due to non availability of proper medicines and undiscovered vaccine, the person infected starts counting his/her days towards death. Victims being already under severe depression due to fear of death, when observe the attitude of people, they suffer in psychosocial problems.

Ever since the beginning of AIDS epidemic in Pakistan, the number of people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS is on rise. During the course of infection, many physical, social, psychological needs and problems have been experienced. Nature of illness imposes a variety of psychological and emotional strains on individuals and those closest to them. Taking into account the dilemma associated with it, the affect of HIV epidemic are enormous. It is seen more as a psychosocial phenomenon than a disease. The term “Psychosocial” means the relationship factor and the social context in which they occur, recognizing that mental health is closely linked to culture,religion,tradition,and relationship , Due to religious, cultural and social environment in Pakistan the epidemic is taken as a crime, therefore, sense of fear, stigma and discrimination accompany the disease. Patient is rejected by his family / friends and society because the epidemic is associated with the stigma of illegal sexual activities which is a sin/crime in Islam.

In Pakistan, people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) are often seen as shameful as they are believed to bring shame upon the family and community. By blaming them, society can very easily excuse itself from the responsibilities of caring and looking after such individuals. PLWHAs are not only faced detestation and discrimination but also denied all access to services/ facilities they deserve. Society takes them as criminals without investigating the cause of the disease which can be through legal sexual activities with their spouse or through infected blood/ needles etc. HIV/AIDS mainly affects young adults, often heads of families, at the peak of their economic activities, with tremendous effects on life-expectancy, equality, poverty, and social dependency e.g. surviving orphans. The disease undermines recent achievements in developing and may be the most important macro-economic and social determinant of human welfare and poverty in some countries

In Pakistan, HIV/AIDS patients suffered with many psychosocial problems due to following reasons
• Unawareness among general public about the cause and mode of spread.
• Religious and moral belief leads people to believe that HIV/AIDS is the result of moral fault and victim is deserved to be punished.
• Patients are being thought of responsible for becoming affected
• HIV/AIDS is life threatening disease without treatment which ultimately leads to death
• Wrong perception that it can be transfer by touch, hugs cough, talk or eating together.

Illegal sexual intercourse being the major cause of HIV/AIDS and due to non availability of treatment / vaccination, victim has to face many Psychosocial Problems which destroy him/her physically and mentally. Due to religious, cultural and social environment in Pakistan the disease is taken as a crime, therefore, sense of fear, stigma and discrimination accompany the disease. Patient is rejected by his family / friends being a responsible of bringing shame for them. If on one side HIV+ persons becomes physically sick due to the affects of disease consequently on other side he/she has to face social boycott which makes him mentally sick too. Healthy community does not think that victim can be infected by blood transfusion or by her/him spouse but they just start blaming the patient.

Causes of the Disease
HIV does not belong to the virus family which is found in air or dirt/grime and passed by person to person through air like influenza etc. The Virus is found only in the body of HIV+ Person. Unless and until the contaminated blood or Virus is not entered into the blood of a healthy body, one can not be infected. Therefore, the cause of disease is only Transfer of virus from infected person to the blood of healthy one. A person who is HIV-infected carries the virus in certain body fluids, including blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. The virus can be transmitted only if such HIV-infected fluids enter the bloodstream of another person. This kind of direct entry can occur (1) through the linings of the vagina, rectum, mouth, and the opening at the tip of the penis; (2) through intravenous injection with a syringe; or (3) through a break in the skin, such as a cut or sore.

• Abdominal cramps
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck
• Armpits and groin
• Fever. Headache. Muscle aches and joint pain
• Skin rash
• Sore throat
• Weight loss
• Dry cough, Fatigue, Fever, Loss of appetite, Mouth sores Nail changes
• Night sweats, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, and groin
• Pain when swallowing, Personality changes
• Repeated outbreaks of herpes simplex
• Shortness of breath, Tingling, numbness, and weakness in the limbs
• Unexplained weight loss, Yeast infection of the mouth (thrush),pneumonia
• Cancer

It can Transfer by following ways
• Sexual intercourse with HIV+ person
• Transfusion of blood or blood product obtained from an infected donor
• Injecting or skin piercing equipment contaminated with HIV
• Mother to infant during pregnancy
• Breast feeding by HIV+ mother
• Transplantation of infected organ

HIV can not be transferred by following means
• Coughing or sneezing
• Handshakes
• Insect bites
• Work or school contact
• Touching or hugging
• Using toilets
• Water or food
• Using telephone
• Kissing where French kiss with injury of lips is not involved
• Swimming together
• Public bath
• Sharing cups, glasses, plates and other eating and drinking utensils

Prevention:- When we know that HIV can be transfered in three main ways. e.g
• Sexual transmission
• Transmission through blood
• Mother-to-child transmission

Than we can take preventive measures against these three with following methods:
1. Sexual transmission
• Abstain from any illigal sex
• Be faithful to one partner
• Condomise, which means using male or female condoms consistently and correctly

2. Transmission through blood
• Screening all blood supplies for the virus
• Reducing the number of unnecessary transfusions
• Routinely sterilising equipment in use

3. Mother-to-child transmission
• HIV can be transmitted from a mother to her baby during pregnancy, labour and delivery, and later through breastfeeding.The first step towards reducing the number of babies infected in this way is to prevent HIV infection in women, and to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
• Antiretroviral drugs given to her during pregnancy and labour as well as to her newborn baby can greatly reduce the chances of the child becoming infected
• A caesarean section is an operation to deliver a baby through its mother’s abdominal wall, which reduces the baby’s exposure to its mother’s body fluids. This procedure lowers the risk of HIV transmission
• Refrain from breastfeeding

After carrying out the research on Psychosocial Problems of HIV/AIDS Patients, I have following Recommendations
For the solution of Psychological Problems.
1. General public should be educated to show sympathetic behaviour towards patients of HIV/AIDS
2. Patients be Counseled by qualified Psychologists
3. To keep the privacy intact,Government should open a free Telephonic helpline for patients and general public for giving them information about HIV/AIDS
4. Maximun seminars/public meeting be arranged for giving education to general people about HIV/AIDS
5. Individual, community, institution and nation must act with responsibiltiy towards patients to prevent its spread and to care for those infected and otherwise affected
6. HIV/AIDS Information Help Desk Service be kept at major market areas
7. As a recreational facility, sport events for victims be arranged
8. A human rights component should be included in all services delivery projects to reduce stigma & discrimination and ensure that they are conducted in accordance with ethical principles
9. Families / friends of HIV+ persons be counselled properly for dealing with the patients
To slove the Social Problems
10. Government should solve their economical problems through Zakat Head in Bail ul Mal
11. GO/NGO should provide Free Medications to patients
12. Invitation be given by GO/NGO to all HIV+ persons on special occasions/gathering e.g on EIDs,14 Aug ,23 Mar ect
13. Laws against discriminations of HIV/AIDS Patients be made and enforced
14. HIV tested medical report during Nikkha be produced by both partner
15. Strict laws to use condom be made and enforced for MSWs,Injection Drug User and FSWs
16. Orphan children of HIV/AIDS affected families should be supported by Bail ul Mal
17. Relegios leaders should include 5 mintues speech about this disease during Juma khutba and motivate the people to behave normally with HIV/AIDS patients
18. All people should have the ability to protect themselves from infection by being able to refuse unsafe sex and cope with HIV/AIDS if they or someone in their family is infected
General Recommendations
19. Health Insurance should be neccassary for working of Vulnerable Group e.g FSW and persons working in labourteries
20. All hospitals be instructed to not use unsterilised syrings /other medical equipments
21. Basic Information and preventive measures about HIV/AIDS be attached with Boarding card of persons going abroad
22. To educate the people of rural areas, movies about HIV/AIDS be shown on Mobile Cinema
23. In evry city,town and village there are councils which work under Nazims.Every council should have a three member HIV/AIDS Fight Commiitee,consists of a doctor a r religious leader and a social worker, whose tasks should be to spread information about HIV/AIDS, take care of HIV+ persons and keep eye on vulnerable group
24. Community based VCT services be provided in area inhabited by high risk groups
25. VCT services should be expended to the general population.Communication campaign for general population be included promotion of VCT and care services
26. Govt should make a law to emborse a permanent stamp on the arm all HIV+ People, as HIV+ . This will reduce to risk to spread HIV by Blood or Sex

Tariq Mahmood
About the Author: Tariq Mahmood Read More Articles by Tariq Mahmood: 2 Articles with 4435 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.