Character association and path analysis in peas (Pisum sativum L.)

(Shehzad Ahmad Kang , P.B.G. (UAF))

Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Pea (Pisum sativum L.), family Papilionaceae, is a multipurpose crop. Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is the second important food legume in the whole world after Phaseolus vulgaris (Tar’an et al., 2005). The genus Pisum contains two species, Pisum sativum and Pisum fulvum both with 2n =14 chromosomes. Four centers of origin based on genetic diversity were listed by Vavilov (1926) central Asia, the Near East, Abyssinia and the Mediterranean. Blixt (1970) indicated that the principal center of genetic diversity is the Mediterranean center with secondary centers in the Near East and Ethiopia .

Pea is an important winter crop of west Europe, North America, India, Australia, Pakistan and South America. Among the grain legumes, dry peas (Pisum sativum) rank first regarding production in Europe. Pea is among the four important cultivated legumes next to soybean, groundnut and beans (Husle, 1994). Powdery mildew disease causes the crop damages reaching as high as 25% to 86%. It is a cheap source of protein that is known as poor man meat in the developing world and used in rotation with cereals and oil seed crops. It provides balanced diet in combination with wheat, rice and other cereals. The dried peas contain 1.4% fat, 60.7% car¬bohydrate, 10.9% protein, 1.4% crude fiber and 2.7% ash (Tzitzikas et al., 2006). Increasing value of protein enriched food has led to a greater chance in this crop as a protein source (Santalla et al., 2001).

In Pakistan it is cultivated under an extensive range of agriculture regions, but the average yield per hectare is very low as compared to its potential and yield obtained in many other countries. It is cultivated during winter in Pakistan and during summer in highlands (Habib and Zamin, 2003). It represents about 40% of the total trade in pulses.

Vegetable crops have secondary importance in crop husbandry in Pakistan, so very little importance is given to their improvement. In Pakistan during 2009, the crop was grown over an area of 11689 ha with 83603 tones production of green pea and average yield was 178.8 mounds /ha but the aver¬age per hectare yield is very low (Anonymous, 2010-11). This may be attributed due to non adoption of approved varieties, irrigation schedule and recommended agro practices, deviation from normal planting and optimal seed rate. Non application of fertilizers, weed infestation, diseases, harvesting losses also play an important role. Powdery mildew, caused by Erysiphe pisi, is the most extensive disease of pea in the world.

The correlation studies provide information about association between any two characters. The path coefficient analysis provides the division of correlation coefficients into direct and indirect effects giving the relative importance to the causal factors. The current study was carried out in order to find out the genetic variation, interrelationships among different characters and the direct and indirect contributions of these characters towards yield.

The understanding of association of characters is of very importance in developing an efficient breeding program. The prime and long term objective of plant breeding is to increase productivity to meet the increasing food demands of people. New varieties with improved agronomic traits have been the major contributing factor to increase food production. The estimate of genetic diversity and its relationship with germplasm collections and evaluation are useful for facilitating efficient germplasm collection, control and utilization (Nisar et al., 2008).

The present study aims at the estimation of direct and indirect contribution of different yield components to the overall seed yield in peas. Availability of genetic variability is crucial for any breeding programme which provides opportunity for selection of desirable genotypes. In the process of selection correlation plays an important role because genetic correlation between the selected traits and other traits affects the process significantly (Falconer and Mackay, 1996).

Using the correlation techniques, the response of a correlated character can be predicted if the genetic correlation and heritability of two characters are known. It serves as an additional source of information for the plant breeder (Falconer and Mackay, 1996). The genetic analysis of traits will help in identifying and screening those genotypes which can be used in the development of good plants. The result of the study might be helpful for the plant breeder in a breeding programme for developing good varieties and it will help in achieving food security.

The present study was conducted for the estimation of correlation and path analysis for quantitative traits in peas (Pisum sativum L.) in the area of the department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan during the winter season 2009-2010. The experimental material comprised thirty genotypes of peas Viz. (6173, 1172, Dasan, Rondo, Siddique 1, 6121, PF- 450, IT-450, Little Marvelose, 380, Parker, VIP, Winer, Fs 2187, 200160, GRW -45, Green Arrow, 267, Climax, S – Green, Lampo, Meteor – 3, Liana Pak, 5180, Rohina, Azad P1, PF -400, Little Morvel, Meteor -1 and Sitara Gold). These genotypes were sown in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications under normal conditions. Interrelationships of various quantitative traits like days to 50 % flowering, number of nodes, plant height, number of branches per plant, pod length, pod width, pod weight, seed yield per plant , number of pods per plant, shelling % age, 100-grain weight, number of seeds per pod and seed yield per plant were ascertained.

Variability estimates revealed that significant genetic variability existed among the genotypes for the characters under study. The phenotypic coefficients of variation (PCV) were invariably slightly higher than their corresponding genetic coefficients variation (GCV) due to the influence of environment on character expression. Further comparison of the genotypes showed that genotype PF- 400 had a batter yield performance. Highest heritability estimates for characters plant height and number of pods per plant while other characters showed moderate heritability. Heritability for these traits indicated that selection could be more effective for genetic improvement. Correlation studies showed that pod weight, number of pods per plant, number of branches per plant, number of seeds per pod and 100-seed weight were positive and significant correlation at genotypic level but positive and highly significant correlation at phenotypic level. Whereas number of days to 50 % flowering, shelling % age, number of nodes per plant, pod length were positively correlated with the grain yield per plant at genotypic and phenotypic levels. Plant height and shelling % age was negative and non-significantly correlated with grain yield per plant at both genotypic and phenotypic levels.

The path coefficients were also calculated to estimate the contribution of individual characters to the seed yield. Investigations regarding path coefficient showed that number of days taken to 50 % flowering and number of branches had maximum direct effect on grain yield per plant followed by number of nodes per plant, seeds per pod, 100 seed weight and plant height. The number of grains per plant, number of pods per plant, number of number of branches per plant had negative direct effects on grain yield.


About the Author: SHEHZAD AHMAD KANG Read More Articles by SHEHZAD AHMAD KANG: 9 Articles with 13706 views I am chairman of SFAD Seed & Services.
I do M.Sc(hons) Plant Breeding & Genetics from University of Agriculture,Faisalabad,Pakistan.
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