Difference of Vision

(Syed Haseen Abbas Madani, Karachi)

So called intellectuals are saying that there are very bad conditions and the persons responsible for this country are not acting accordingly. May be this is in the eye of intellectuals like that but our president told "not in my view" because every thing is going as per his plan and strategy. It is very clear that it was to do the some thing for energy in the early days of the start of this Govt. otherwise they are so naive that with out power they can run the country. To create energy crises is the part of the plan. If you just see all the Gates what is happening in this country. If any one has a sensible mind he cannot accept all this. No one is getting punishment but the criminals are rewarded big positions in the Govt. Killing in the country is increasing day by day. No place seems having Govt. writ, chaos, confusion, harassment one side and on the other side Economical breakage, factories closed, business is shifted to other countries.

The maximum efforts are to spoil the institutions. Judiciary also seems in effective and helpless. What is Democracy? a tool to spoil the country?

Every one must be well aware that under the umbrella of illiteracy and corruption no system cannot prosper.

It has been very clear now that no one is interested in saving Pakistan, and very soon the horizon will be more clear to see the hurricane of the desperate public and we are witness what is happening in Punjab.

I cannot conclude why the Authorities (who can do some thing not doing any thing) are waiting, do they think that they can control this tsunami/hurricane any time.

When the fire broke out in the beginning it can be extinguishable but when it spreads every where, cannot
be controlled.

Really this is the question of understanding the strategy and the agreement with that.
May Allah bless Pakistan, Ramadan is very near we hope if things are not going to be better we should cry before our LORD to save this our last shelter. Aameen.


Syed Haseen Abbas Madani
About the Author: Syed Haseen Abbas Madani Read More Articles by Syed Haseen Abbas Madani: 79 Articles with 91582 views Since 1964 in the Electronics communication Engineering, all bands including Satellite.
Writing since school completed my Masters in 2005 from Karach
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