Literary Magazine:Chanba

(Dr. Ghulam Shabbir Rana, Jhang)

Literary Magazine: Chanba issue :9 Publisher :Chanba Literary Academy Faisalabad

Publication: June 2012,Editor(Honarary):Prof.Dr.Muhammad Riaz Shahid, Comments:Dr.Ghulam Shabbir Rana

The literary magazine Chanmba has developed glorious traditions of life for the last four decades. This trend setter literary magazine has promoted freedom of thought and expression in literature. The recent issue of Chanba is full of high standard writings in Punjabi and English language. Editorial board has always encouraged translation from Urdu classical literature. Creative writings of the writers of international repute can be seen in recent issue of the journal. This magazine has become a legend in the history of literature. I remember the glorious period of this magazine when it was published from Jhang some thirty years ago.Prof Dr.Muhammad Riaz Shahid is a great patriot and genius creative writer .He has tried to bring positive awareness among the people .He works hard to promote the great values of life .He is highly educated educationist, researcher and critic. His grasp on religion, history, linguistics, world literature, culture and civilization is enviable. His kind and sincere attitude for the welfare of humanity will be remembered for ever. This magazine is a ray of hope for researchers and critics.I congratulate editorial board on the publication of this wonderful collection of prose and poetry. All the creative writers have presented excellent writings for this issue. This issue of Chanba is a mile tone towards the promotion of history, culture and civilization. Punjabi literature has a rich cultural heritage. In this magazine classical and modern Punjabi literature is presented very effectively. Critical approach towards literature is worth mentioning. I am sure this magazine will be useful for all the people.I pray for the future success of the editorial board. May God Almighty bless you all. Your valuable services are glorious chapter of history.

Dr. Ghulam Shabbir Rana
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