(Najamuddin Ghanghro, Karachi(original from Larkana))

AS we know, Fig( Angeer) is one of those fruits which is described in Quran as a Surah At-Tin is available in Para 30 so naturally this fruit is most important for us, Let's see what are benefits of it....


Fig health benefits are numerous. Being a good source of several important nutrients, figs can promote health and general well being. Clinical studies have proved the following fig fruit benefits:


The high amount of potassium in fig fruit helps to keep the blood sugar of the body in check. The fruit, as well as a liquid extract made from fig leaves when added to diabetic meals, lower the sugar levels in the blood.

In insulin dependent diabetics, who are taking insulin injections to control the diabetes, fig fruit and fig leaves, helps to lower insulin levels.


Figs are excellent source of dietary fibers. These fibers are good for reducing body weight and are often recommended for weight loss program.

Fig health benefits includes weight reduction also. Although, high on sugar, figs have the advantage of carrying natural sugar, making it one of 'the fruits' to consume for weight management.


High salt intake and minimum potassium consumption, makes a person susceptible to high blood pressure. It is a well known fact that potassium rich foods help to prevent high blood pressure.

Sodium levels in figs are very low but their potassium content is very high. That’s why figs are ideal to prevent and manage hypertension effectively.


As we all know, high cholesterol puts a person in the risk zone of cardiovascular problems.

Figs are fiber rich fruits which have an important soluble fiber, known as pectin, which helps in lowering the cholesterol levels in the body. Pectin basically absorbs cholesterol, which is then eliminated out of the body.


Figs help the heart to function normally. As discussed above, because of low sodium and extremely high potassium and magnesium, figs controls and lowers blood pressure. Along with that dietary fiber present in figs lowers the harmful cholesterol.

Antioxidants present in the figs, such as vitamin C, control and inhibit the growth of free radicals, thereby preventing the build up of plaque in arteries and veins (atherosclerosis).

It is found that figs are a great source of omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids. Therefore having few servings of figs can definitely save the heart from a wide range of diseases.

This nutrient rich fruit promotes the healthy heart. To get the fig health benefits you must eat this “fitness fruit”regularly.


The fiber in fig can clear out the cancer causing substances from our system and reduce the chances of colon cancer and breast cancer.

It is found that figs are a great source of omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids. Omega 3 essential fatty acids can also help to prevent cancer and other inflammatory diseases, so one can understand how important it is to consume this fruit.


Regular consumption of figs protects the colon from various inflammatory diseases. It ensures healthy bowel function and can provide protection against colon cancer.


As we all know, high fiber foods play a very important role to soften the stools. This allows the intestines to get rid of the stools easily.

The fiber content in figs is extremely high, so regular consumption of figs will keep constipation at bay, as it encourages bulky stool formation. Thus, it aids in healthy bowel function. Regular consumption of the fruit will prevent further recurrence of the problem.

Fig consumption helps to treat bowel conditions like constipation and hemorrhoids or pile, as they are mildly laxative in effect.


Fig health benefits includes correction of anemia. Figs have high iron and folate content. This is highly beneficial for iron deficient anemic individuals, along with heavily menstruating, pregnant and lactating women.

When fig is taken with milk, it can bring about improvement in anemic condition.


Bone fragility leads to brittleness and thinning of the bones, eventually leading to osteoporosis and/or arthritis.

Foods that have high calcium levels are good for the bones. Calcium along with potassium work to promote bone density and strength. Calcium helps to strengthen the bones, while potassium reduces calcium loss through urine, ensuring that the body has both the nutrients in abundant.

The calcium in fig plays a major role in strengthening the bones. Simply include figs in your diet to get maximum benefits. It maintains the normal bone density. Thus prevents the development of bone related disorders like osteoporosis in old age. Fig health benefits includes the role of supporting healthy bones.

Figs can serve as an alternative source of calcium for those who are allergic towards dairy products. Fig juice can be an excellent substitute for those suffering from milk allergies and lactose intolerance.


Fig fruits are good for our skin as they are rich in antioxidants. The phenols and flavonoids are the two constituents of antioxidants abundantly found in figs. They provide excellent anti-aging effects.

When baked figs are applied on the skin, it can bring down various forms of skin inflammations such as boil and abscess.

It also has anti septic and emollient properties, making it an excellent home remedy for skin care. As fresh figs have a good amount of water in it, they can serve as a good skin cleanser. On application of fresh mashed figs, it can cure skin problems like acne and pimples. The juice of fresh figs can cure corns.


Figs are good for eyesight. They are excellent sources of vitamin A, which prevents deterioration of eyesight that occurs with age. Eating figs regularly is the best choice you have for maintaining optimum eye health.

A glowing skin or good eyesight in old age is some of the advantages of antioxidant rich foods.


You can enjoy the fig health benefits only when you eat the figs regularly. Eating them regularly can provide relief from fatigue and sleep disorders. It also brings about improvement in the memory.

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Najamuddin Ghanghro
About the Author: Najamuddin Ghanghro Read More Articles by Najamuddin Ghanghro: 583 Articles with 702126 views I m now Alhamdulillah retired from Govt. Service after serving about 39 ys. Passing ,Alhamdulillah a tense less life. MAY ALLAH CONTINUE IT.AAMEEN

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