(sehrish, karachi)

‘Dear diary’ that may carry you away to the world of your imagination where you will be asking questions and answering your questions by yourself.

basically, a journal is a silent imaginary friend and having an imaginary friend is not bad at all. Some people may undergo severe depression that may affect his physical and mental health , they need a shoulder to cry on and ultimately requiring some serious medical help. But wait.. ‘dear diary’ is onto your rescue.

Therefore, Sharing your feelings with him affords you contentment because he will always be there when you will need him. He will listen to all you have got to say without interrupting and won’t misunderstand or hurt your feeling or make fun of you. Isn’t this what we all want? So, just grab a pen and pen down everything you feel, let the storm within you be out on the paper. It will help you calm down and will give you time to figure things out. Eventually, you will feel better and enabled to take important decisions for yourself.

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