(H/DR Adeeb Ahmed, Karachi)

The body is made up of cells. Different kinds of cells build up the different tissues and organs of the body. The kind of inorganic salts that enter into their composition largely determine the difference in the cells. If we burn the body or any part of it we obtain the ashes. These are the inorganic constituents of the body the salts of iron magnesia lime etc, . which build up its tissues .Besides theses inorganic salts the body is composed of water and organic substances in the portion of one twentieth of in organic salts to the remainder of water and organic matter. These are the real tissue builders the architects of the organism and both the structure and distribution in every cell. The biochemical treatment uses these inorganic cell salts. When properly prepared for assimilation and they are the tissue remedies capable of curing every curable disease and ameliorating most incurable ones.

Health is the state of the body when all the cells composing the various tissues are in a normal condition and they are kept in this state when they each receive the requisite quantity of the needful cell salt required for the upbuilding of the different tissues.

Disease is an altered state of the cell produced by some irregularity in the supply to the cells of one of the inorganic tissues and organs follow and all the phenomena of disease are developed. Now the cure consists in restoring the normal cell growth by furnishing minimal dose of the inorganic substances whose molecular motion os disturbed , which disturbance caused the diseased action to do this successfully, it is necessary to know what salts are needed for the upbuilding of the different tissues and for their normal action. This knowledge is derived from physiological chemistry , and hence this treatment of disease by supplying the needed tissue salt os called the biochemical treatment.

What is more rational what is more natural, founded as it is on natural law that where there is a deficiency in one or more of the component parts of the constituents of an organism that this deficiency will produce a deranged or a diseased condition or more logical than by the supplying of these lacking elements an equilibrium will again be restored and the organism returned to its normal condition.

By giving a tissue remedy in such a dose as can be assimilated by the growing cells. The most wonderful and speedy restoration to healthy function is brought about in every case of curable disease . All disease that are at all curable are so by means of the tissue remedies properly prepared to the needs of the organism . This is very important and on it depends the success of the treatment, just as much as on the correct selection of the particular cell salt.
It seems reasonable the to make the cell salts immediately useful, they should be prepared in the same delicate form in which nature uses them and that if they are absorbed by the microscopic corpuscles, they must themselves be finer than the corpuscles. We know that the mineral or cell salts are infinitesimally subdivided in the different kinds of food we take,thus capable of assimilation by the cells.

12. SILICA .


This salt is found in the surface of the bones and in the enamel of the teeth, also in the elastic fibers and skin. A disturbance of the equilibrium of the molecules of this salt , according to the theory of biochemistry causes a relaxed condition and a dilatation, interfering with absorption and hence favoring hardening and swelling of the tissues. Enlarged veins, piles, swollen and hardened glands, tumors,uterine displacement, are condition resulting form such a cause.


This salt gives solidity to the bones. It is absolutely essential to the proper growth and nutrition of the body and supplies the first basis for the new tissues. An insufficient supply of Calcarea phos results in defective nutrition , imperfect growth and decay . It is of greatest importance during dentition , in young rapidly growing children, at puberty , in old age and especially after acute diseases drains on the system and in inherited weakness and diseases tendencies especially scrofulous and tuberculosis manifestations.


Iron is found in the red blood corpuscles most abundantly but is contained also in every cell. A disturbances of the equilibrium of the iron molecules in the muscular fibbers causes a relaxed condition favoring congestion and hemorrhage . Iron restores the tone . equalizes the circulation. Especially in children who are dull and listless, failing appetite , loss weight etc,


This salt is found in the blood nerve cells and muscles. It stands in a chemical relation to fibrin and corresponds to the second stage of all inflammation. Croupous and diphtheritic membranes lymphatic enlargements, discharges and expectorations of thick, whitish matter. The principal indications for the drug are such discharges and white, grayish coating of the tongue.

The efficacy of this remedy is demonstrated in chronic catarrhal conditions croup diphtheria, dysentery, pneumonia. In alternation with Ferr . phos in coughs deafness from catarrh of the eustachian tubes skin eruptions with small vesicles containing yellowish secretions, ulcerations with swellings discharges and white exudations in leukorrhea with characteristic discharges etc, Symptoms in general are worse from motion the gastric and abdominal being worse after taking pastry, rich and fatty foods.


This salt is a constituent of all animal fluids and tissues, notably of the brain nerves muscles and blood . It is an antiseptic and hinders the decay of tissues . Nervous conditions known as neurasthenic , is the field in which this salt has become pre- eminent . The results of a want of nerve power as prostration exertion loss of mental vigor depression, brain fag, softening of the brain, and when there is rapid decomposition of the blood. It is curative in septic hemorrhages, scorbutic gangrene, stomatitis , offensive, carrion like diarrhea or dysentery adynamic or typhoid conditions incontinence of urine urticaria predisposition to epistaxis in children dizziness and vertigo from nervous exhaustion ; tongue coated as if spread with dark liquid mustard. Many symptoms are aggravated by noise, by rising from a sitting position ; ameliorated by gentle motion, eating excitement, anything in fact that will relive the mind and aid in restoring the lacking nerve force. Typhoid and gastric fever, malignant conditions.


The skin and mucous membrane are largely under the influence of this salt. It is especially called for in the late stages of all inflammations . In profuse desquamation. In all conditions accompanied by a yellow mucous discharges or caused by suppression of eruptions or discharge.

When the patient is worse towards evening and better in the open air.


This salt is a constituent of muscles and nerves. It causes contraction in muscular fibbers and hence its use in any where that are relived by warmth and pressure. It is the great antispasmodic remedy, It acts best when given in hot water.


This is a constituent of every liquid and solid of the body. It regulates the degree of moisture within the cells. Wherever we find a hypersecretion of the watery elements of the body, with simultaneous want of activity in some other portion of the mucous membranes, You will find Natrum Mur the remedy It acts upon the lymphatic system, the blood liver spleen and upon the mucous lining of the alimentary canal natrum Mur is of indicated in headache, toothache face ache stomachache etc, where there is either salivation or hypersecretion tears or vomiting of water and mucus ; also catarrhal affections of mucous membranes with secretion of transparent watery, frothy mucus; also small watery blisters breaking and leaving a thin crust; diarrhea, transparent , glossy, slimy stools , conjunctivitis with discharge of tears and clear mucus tongue clear slimy, small bubbles of frothy saliva on sides, leukorrhea ,watery , smarting or clear, starch like discharge ,etc. - - - - -


This salt is found in the blood, muscles and nerve cells and in the inter cellular fluids. Through its presence conditions arising from excess of lactic acid are prevented. It serves to emulsify fatty acid and is therefore a remedy for all dyspeptic conditions traceable to fats. This is the remedy in all cases where there is an excess of acidity ,. Acts also upon the bowels, glands lungs and abdominal organs. It greenish sour smelling diarrhea colic spasms fever from acidity of the stomach in children ague with characteristic coating of tongue , eyes discharging a yellow creamy matter gastric derangements with acidity and flatulence indigestion intestinal worms etc . A characteristic indication is a moist thick golden yellow coating on the tongue and palate.


This salt is contained in the connective tissue and it stands in close relation to suppurations. It cures at that stages, when suppuration continues too long. The presence of pus with a vent is the general indication.

This salt does not appear in the cells, only in the intercellular fluids. It aids and regulates the excretion of superfluous water .

Gastric bilious conditions, dropsy liver diseases results of living in damp low swelling regions, uric acid diathesis, all are benefited by this remedy. The chief characteristic symptom is the appearance of the tongue dirty greenish brown.

This salt though very abundantly found in the vegetable kingdom, is found only in the connective tissue to any extent. It acts prominently upon the bones, glands, skin, and is especially suited to the imperfectly nourished constitutions. It is the remedy for ailments attended with pus formation. It ripens abscesses and promotes suppuration. Especially indicated in sensitive patients, who are always chilly.

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