Abdullah bin Umar

The world recognizes Abdullah Bin Umar as the son of Ameerul Mu’minin, Caliph of Islam, Hazrat Umar (R.A.) and brother in law of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). He is regarded for being the prominent authority in Holy Hadith and law, and his impartiality towards groups involved in the first Civil War in (656–661). Abdullah bin Umar is known to be famous reporter of the Sayings of the holy Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) and early jurist of Islam born in 614, which was the 4th year of Prophethood.

Abdullah Bin Umar – A Man of Character

At an early age, Abdullah Ibn Umar demonstrated an eagerness to be associated with the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) in all his activities. He had accepted Islam at a young age of ten years and had made the Hijrah with his father and his sister, Hafsah.

Abdullah Bin Umar was not included in Battle of Uhud and Battle of Badr due to young age. He and Usamah were included in the Battle of Ditch when he was 15 years old. He along with others of his age group was allowed to join the ranks of men. They played the part in not only digging of trench but also actively in the battle.

From the time of his Hijrah until the time of his death more than seventy years later, Abdullah Ibn Umar distinguished himself in the service of Islam. According to Abu Musa al-Ashari, he was regarded among Muslims as “the Good One, son of the Good One”. From his great and illustrious father, Umar, and from Prophet of Islam, he learnt a great deal. Abdullah used to observe and scrutinize all the sayings and action of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) closely and with devotion.

Aishah (May God be pleased with Her), noticed this devotion of Abdullah to the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) and remarked: “There was no one who followed the footsteps of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in the places where he alighted as did Ibn Umar.”

In spite of his close observance of the Prophet’s actions, Abdullah Bin Umar was extremely cautious, even afraid, of reporting the sayings of the Prophet. He would only relate a Holy Hadith if he was completely sure that he remembered every word of it. One of his contemporaries said:

“Among the companions of the Prophet, no one was more cautious about adding to or subtracting from the Hadith of the Prophet than Abdullah ibn Umar.”

Abdullah Bin Umar was once described as the “brother of the night.” He would stay up at night performing Salaat, weeping and seeking God’s forgiveness and reading Holy Quran. To his sister, Hafsah, the Prophet once said: “What a blessed man is Abdullah. Should he perform Salaat at night he would be blessed even more.”

From that day, Abdullah Bin Umar did not abandon aiyam alLayl whether at home or on journeys. In the stillness of the nights, he would remember God much, perform Salaat and read the Quran and weep. Like his father, tears came readily to his eyes especially when he heard the warning verses of the Quran. Ubayd ibn Umayr has related that one day he read these verses to Abdullah Ibn Umar:

“How then (will the sinners fare on Judgment Day) when We shall bring forward witnesses from within every community and bring you (O Prophet) as witness against them? Those who were bent on denying the truth and paid no heed to the Apostle will on that Day wish that the earth would swallow them but they shall not (be able to) conceal from God anything that has happened.“ (Surah an-Nisa, 4:41-42).


Abdullah Ibn Umar was the second most productive narrator of Holy Hadith, with a total of 2,630 narrations. He was very careful about things associated with him, and he narrated with his eyes full of tears. He has a positive reputation among Muslims.

In spite of the great esteem and honor in which he was held by all the Muslims and despite the suggestion repeatedly made to him to stand up for the caliphate, he kept himself entirely distant from party trouble, and throughout these years led an selfless and pious life.

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Dr Sajid Khakwani
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