Role Models Of Children Are Changing Due To Irrelevant Content

(Shanza Sahar, Karachi)

Role models have an astounding effect on the lives of children in our society. A role model has the ability to shape the views, ideals and, actions of a young person. Role models help youth to discover how they wish to become in the future. The influence that role models have over young people is tremendous. The role models of children are changing nowadays. Do you ever think why is it happening frequently? In the past years children had their great and dignitized role models like; Prophet (PBUH), Quaid e Azam, children’s grandparents, father mother and caregivers etc. Children were also look up to other relatives, teachers and peers. But now children trying to copy the behavior and appearance of celebrities such as athletes and entertainers, characters from books, T.V, movies and video games. Children having their role models like: hero and heroines, Cartoon characters like: Bheem, Spider man etc. This is not the mistake of children. ‘This is us’ who are making their lives worst.

As you know, the children are just like a tissue paper i.e. a tissue absorbs the water in the spur of a moment. Whatever our media portrays, the kids absorb it rapidly. In our country, the media owners don’t do any work over the content for children. So what they can read and watch? In this case, children move towards Indian channels and watch their T.V programmes , enjoy their vulgar songs and then adopt the acting, dances and behaviours of the actors. Hence, they made their role models like Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and so on.

As, currently we conducted a survey on Television and Movies. What we observed!! The children had the names of Indian actors at the tip of their tongues. May I ask you – what are we giving to the children? Who are the ‘Future of our country’. We should start to do work on children’s content in terms of Print and Electronic Media. We have to give healthy content to our ‘Future Stars’ otherwise their future gradually drowned. The irrelevant content ruining the lives of children like termites eat the wood. Media owners became a swampy river and it will be too late when we want to pick children’s out from the fierce river.

Therefore, it’s the core responsibility of our media giants to take this enormous issue under consideration.

Thus, I request to the concerned authorities. Please focus on this issue to develop healthy content for the children, otherwise the role models of the children of our country remains the other ones and in this way our country can’t prosper and grow healthier and became lower.

Shanza Sahar
About the Author: Shanza Sahar Read More Articles by Shanza Sahar: 4 Articles with 2637 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.