Banned Terrorist fractions BLA, BLF Sympathizers must be ashamed of themselves.

(Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid, Jeddah)

Banned outfits BLA, BLF Terrorist Sympathizers are real bigots. Since decades so called liberals those jumping jackals keep asking state and Pakistanis to disown banned Taliban, banned SSP, banned ASWJ and all fractions of extremism. Now when Pakistan is united against terrorism and time came to take on BLA, BLF terrorist banned fractions so called NGOs, liberals but liberal fascist showed their real bigotry, selective approach against terrorism. BLA, BLF funded by slum India as well Western masters to keep terrorism in Pakistan so similarly NGOs and so called liberals are on pay roll of slum india and West.

7000+ innocent Baloch, Laborers, Security Personnel have been killed so far by banned terrorist outfit BLA, BLF's elements, Here we must keep in mind that BLA, BLF terrorists are funded by many foreign slums and they have been trained in Afghanistan by same slum creatures.

We Moderate common Pakistanis reject bigotry of so called Liberals, NGOs. We demand from our security institutions and all responsible authorities to keep check why West, Indian lovers are trying to destabilize Pakistan by supporting banned terrorist BLA, BLF fractions.

Here we must keep in mind that indians at first, BBC and many are calling to counter Pakistan-China agreements by supporting banned terrorist BLA, BLF fractions, Using politicians against Chinese Economic Agreements. So we need to keep an eye on these kind of Indian and Western Proxies.

Pakistan belongs to 196 million Pakistanis and we will not let any terrorist banned outfit hostile our motherland.

Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid
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