How to find enemy of Pakistan on Social Media?

(Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid, Jeddah)

As enemy slum india's evil "Doval aka Devil" spent billions of rupees to sponsor killing Pakistanis, bomb blasts in Pakistan, suicide attacks in Pakistan by Taliban, BLA terrorists in Pakistan, the same time indain devil started media war, social media stalking on Pakistan run by all dividing forces & enemies of Pakistan. So called liberals, intellectual prostitutes, atheists, money maker media houses are against Ideology of Pakistan. This enemy is spitting venom against founding fathers of Pakistan. Enemy involved in spreading fake & false stories about Allama Iqbal & Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Today we are facing war on ground the same time war on social media by all above mentioned terrorist & dividing elements. Another aspect is cyber war led by fake named facebook, twitter accounts run by slum indian goons from indian & Afghani internet IPs.

All Pakistanis need to be aware of these kind of elements. Here we do have question how to find the enemy on social media? As well how to bust these indians online?

indian fake named goons are targeting all Pakistanis mostly those are doing any kind of work using name Pakistan. So if you want to find enemy just start to write in favor of Pakistan within days you will succeed to find hundreds of goons sending messages & doing comments, tweets spitting anom against Pakistan.

So main question how to bust this kind of enemy on Social Media?

We need to start to write Pakistani tags with everything belongs to #Pakistan. Proudly we must start to praise our #Pakistanis, #PakistaniHeroes, #PakistaniHistoricalFigures, #PakistaniFoundingFathers, #PakistaniEvents, #PakistanActors, #PakistaniSingers, #PakistaniLanguages, #PakistaniCuisine, #PakistaniDresses, #PakistaniSports, #PakistaniPlayers, #PakistaniGoods, #PakistaniImports, #PakistaniCulture.

Some Tags For Example: #Pakistani, #PakistaniShaan, #PakistaniIK, #PakistaniWriters, #PakistaniAfridi, #PakistaniJournalists, #PakistaniGawader, #PakistaniBaloch, #PakistaniUrdu, #PakistaniAjrak, #PakistaniSongs

Within months we will not only defeat our enemy on Social media but we will close successfully the shops of hatred towards our Pakistan led by so called liberals, intellectual prostitutes, atheists, money maker media houses sponsored by enemy.

Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid
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