Everyone wants success and
often thinks that success is based on luck.According o research,However to get
success is not a pie.We have to make our aims of life.Most of the people who
came in the world ,they had philosophical nature yet they couldn't account for
law of success.On the other hand,Successful people are living busy life.They
don't have a time to share their secretes of success.Therefore,How success is
possible ? and actually what we think that what is success?
"To get a position in a specific field it's called success".One of the great
person,My teacher says"There is no limit of success or Sky is the limit of
success".He says "Success is not a wealth In fact It's a state of mind which
make you feel satisfactory". ~syed
Every field has its own way and taste of success.For Instance,Ghalib made his
name in poetry,Shakespeare made his name in English novels.Islam gives a
distinct concept of success.We daily read that concept yet unfortunately do not
cogitate over it.
بَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ
Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us
from the chastisement of the fire.[2:201]
In this verses both success are gathered, whether it's Dunya or Akhira. Islam
doesn't differentiate Deen and Dunya ,but says "Make your Dunya with Akhirah.
Islam prefers to have aim of your life.As far as I have concluded,There are my
some magical tips to get success:
1:Our attitude determines our altitude,so make your etiquette elegant,According
to Prophet teachings.
2:It's necessary for success to be persistent.Never step back,Once you dare to
do something.
3:Don't think about past.Focus on your today and reshape your future because
your present decorates your future not past.
4:Be yourself,Don't try to copy anyone.As original is always valuable rather
than copy.
5:Keep praying;It's a key of success as well as hardworking is the way which
lead you toward the success.
6:Act upon on these rules.May you all have a bright future .
Stay blessed