Global Warming And Role Of China

(Imran Mangrio, Sanghar, Sindh)

Industrial revolution is generally recognized as a major development in world history. Where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural condition. It made life easier and faster, along with giving birth such problem pollution that step by step become worst and its main cause of global warming today. Since 1970, the natural environment has been one of the most visible and volatile topic of U.S.A and world policy. Global warming is regularly talked about on radio, television and even on internet today. In scientific term global warming is defined as the process that results in the earth’s temperature rising. This rise in temperature is attributed to an increase greenhouses gases. When it comes to global warming and increase in the earth’s temperature, there are many individuals who wonder why all of the concern. In many aspects, a slight rise in temperature is not shocking, but there seems to be no relief. The rise on the earth’s temperature will also lead to temperature increases on the ground. The fear is that these melting masses will result in sea level rise, rise in disease and destruction of natural resources and as a result million of individual will suffer a unrecoverable loss. Climate change, specifically global warming, therefore has captured the attention of people worldwide and has inspired more debate and action—personal, political and corporate—than perhaps any other environmental issue in history. Absent profound change in our relationship to the environment, the future does not look bright and many impacts, notably the effects on wildlife and ecosystem and human health and natural resources, will be beyond the reach of human correction in future. Therefore there is need of a global strategy that relies on future adoption almost means greater economic and human cost, and vastly larger biological losses that would a strategy that attempts to control the extent speed of the warming be adopted today to save our colorful future from darkness.

Causes for Global Warming Today.
A different kind of environmental concern has arisen from humankind’s new ability to alter the environment on the planetary scale. The earth’s physiology is shaped by the characteristic of four elements (Carbon, nitrogen, phosphoresces and sulfur) by its living inhabitants. Human kinds are altering both carbon and Nitrogen cycle, having increased the natural carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere by 25 percent. This has accrued largely three decades through fossil fuel use and deforestation

Greenhouse Gases.
Scientists have determined that a number of human activities are contributing to global warming by adding excessive amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide accumulates in the atmosphere and trap heat that normally would exit into outer space. While many greenhouse gases occur naturally and are needed to create the greenhouse effect that keeps the Earth warm enough to support life, human use of fossil fuels is the main source of excess greenhouse gases. By driving cars, using electricity from coal-fired power plants, or heating our homes with oil or natural gas, we release carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere which result in global warming. Exactly how large the warming will be, and how fast it will occur, are uncertain. Existing models place the date of commitment to an average global warming of 1.5 to 4.5 C (3 to 8 F) in the early 2030s. The earth has not been this hot for two million years, long before human society. Hotter temperature will be only one result of the continuing greenhouse use (1).In 2000; Environmental Protection Agency reported that over 160 million tons of pollutants were emitted into the air each year from 1982 to 2000 (2).In the United States, consideration of possible national efforts to reduce greenhouse gases began in the late 1980 and culminated in 1997 with former vice president Al Gore singing the Kyoto Protocol. Twenty Eight state laws or executive orders to reduce greenhouse gases had been passed by early 2002.

Deforestation is clearing Earth's forests on a massive scale, often resulting in damage to the quality of the land. Most people assume that global warming is caused by burning oil and gas while deforestation is also main cause of the global warming today. Destruction of tropical forest is common. The rain forests of Africa, South America and Southeast Asia are treasure chests of incomparable biological diversity. These forest provide irreplaceable habitats for as much 80 percent of world’s species of plants and animals, most of which remain to be discovered and described scientifically. Among the species already contribute to human well being. More than one quarter of the prescription drugs used in the United States have their origin in tropical plants. Viable forests also stabilize soil, reduce the impact and incidence of floods, and regulate local climate, watersheds, and river system. In addition, increasing concern about the effect of excessive level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (the greenhouse effects) underscore the global importance of tropical forests. Through photosynthesis, trees and other plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into oxygen.

At the beginning of 20th century tropical forest covered approximately 10 percent of the Earth surface, or about 5.8 million square miles (3). The deforestation of recent decades has diminished this area by about one third. If current rate of deforestation continue unabated, only a few areas of forest will remain untouched. Human will have destroyed a natural palliative for the greenhouse effect and contemned half of all species to extinction.

Consequences of Global Warming
Environmental scholars believe that enhanced greenhouses warming may have sever effects on human settlement patterns, food and fresh water supplies, energy production, and health and integrity of natural ecosystems. Potential impacts include loss of wetlands and other wildlife habitats; increased frequency and severity of storms and droughts; reduce forest productivity; changes in species composition; ocean flooding; increased salt-water intrusion in estuaries and myriad other problems resulting from interactive shifts in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, sea level, ocean currents and cloud behavior (4). Because of Warming the climate of many regions has been changed. A diversion of the Gulf Stream, for example, would transform Western Europe, making it far colder than it is today. The sea level will rise due to expansion of water when it’s warmed and to melting of land base ice. The oceans are presently rising by one half inch per decade, enough to cause serious erosion along much of the US coast. This great rivers delta, from Mississippi to the Ganges would be flooded. Estimates are that a half meter rise in Egypt would displace 16 percent population and while rise in Bangladesh two meter would claim 28 percent of land where 30 million people live today and where more than 59 million are projected to live by 2030 (5).

Human health and Global Warming:
Global warming is not only a threat to our future health, it already contributes to more than 150,000 deaths and 5 million illnesses annually, according to a team of health and climate scientists at the World Health Organization and the University of Wisconsin at Madison—and those numbers could double by 2030.

Research data published in the journal Nature show that global warming may affect human health in a surprising number of ways: speeding the spread of infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever; creating conditions that lead to potentially fatal malnutrition and diarrhea; and increasing the likelihood of heat waves and floods(6). In nineteenth century in U.S.A pollution especially industrial air pollution increased fatality rate from pneumonia, diphtheria and other lung diseases also increased nasal, throat and bronchial illness also caused mental health problems. (7)

Natural resources & Global warming.
Scarcity of Freshwater.
The most valuable commodity in the world today, and likely to remain so for much of this century, is not oil, not natural gas, not even some type of renewable energy. It’s water—clean, safe, fresh water.

Spreading water scarcity may be the most underrated resource issue in the world today. When every population is growing the supply of fresh water person is declining. The International water Management Institute projects that a billion people will be living in countries facing absolute water scarcity by 2025(8). The United Nations estimates that by 2050 more than two billion people in 48 countries will lack sufficient water. Approximately 97 percent to 98 percent of the water on planet Earth is saltwater (the estimates vary slightly depending on the source). Much of the remaining freshwater is frozen in glaciers or the polar ice caps. Lakes, rivers and groundwater account for about 1 percent of the world’s potentially usable freshwater.

If global warming continues to melt glaciers in the Polar Regions, as expected, the supply of freshwater may actually decrease. First, freshwater from the melting glaciers will mingle with saltwater in the oceans and become too salty to drink. Second, the increased ocean volume will cause sea levels to rise, contaminating freshwater sources along coastal regions with seawater.

China role towards Global Warming
26th day of the November 2009, is a historical day in the history of world global warming when China announced its first-ever target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, just one day after U.S. President Barack Obama pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the United States approximately 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020. China said that it plans to reduce the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020 by 40 percent to 45 percent compared to 2005. (9).

Mr. Wan, member of the state council said China has proved its ability to meet and often exceed its targets in the current five-year plan to improve energy efficiency by about 20 per cent. His ministry has already exceeded by 30 per cent its goal during this period of investing 10bn Yuan to reduce emissions and deal with the consequences of climate change (10).Legislation on Environment Law in China.

Approximately 150 environmental regulatory instruments, including major environmental laws adopted by National Peoples Congress or its Standing Committees, administrative regulation approved by State council, ministerial regulation adopted by environmental authority.

Especially Constitution of Peoples Republic of China emphasis on environmental protection as mentioned in Article 9, 10, 22 and 26 these articles are regarding Environment Protection (11).In the face of environment problems leading towards global warming china has developed comprehensively laws and regulations on the environment and adopted the strategy for giving priority the most serious problems leading towards global warming. This friendly legislation is categorized into three. The major laws in this category include the environment protection law (adopted by SCNPC in1989) & article 35 imposes penalty, if any one violates the law, the cleaner production promotion law (adopted by SCNPC in 2002) and Environment Impact Assessment Law (adopted by SNNPC in 2002).

The second category is concerned with protection of Environmental elements, e.g. the Land Administrative Law (adopted by SCNPC in1986 and revised in 1988 and 1998 respectively), the forestry Law (adopted by SCNPC in 1984 and revised in 1998), the Grass land Law (adopted by SCNPC in 1985), Fishery Law (adopted by SCNPC in 1986), Waters Law (adopted by SCNPC 1988) and Mineral Resources Law (adopted by SCNPC in 1986 and 1996).

The third category deals with the pollution prevention and control, i.e. The Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law (adopted by SCNPC in 1987 and revised in 1995 and 2000 respectively), the Water Pollution Prevention and control Law (adopted by the SCNPC in 1984 and revised in 1996), Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control (adopted by SCNPC in 1995), The Environment Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law (adopted by SCNPC in 1996) and Marine Environment Protection Law (adopted by SCNPC in 1982 and revised in 1999). In this addition, there are hundred of administrative regulations and ministerial rules in this area, e.g. the former SETC and the State Environment Protection Administration (SEPA) issued a number of rules and polices on cleaner production.(12)Our contribution/ Solutions to reduce Global Warming.

Global warming is a serious that affects our planet. It is important to aware of activities causes of global warming in order to prevent additional global warming; we can contribute a lot to global warming in different way to stop global warming.

Public Awareness.
Self laws and regulation will not correct environmental tragedies global warming but we must take part along with Government we can help government in public awareness and we can ask people to plant tree as much they can to reduce the evil of global warming. A car, by itself, does not cause emissions. It is only when a person drives that car that emissions are caused. The same holds true for a factory, or an aeroplane. By themselves they don’t cause emissions; it is the people who work in the factory, and the people who fly in the aeroplane who cause the emissions. So, reduce the people and you’ll reduce emissions.

AlGore’s Earth in the Balance, shortly before he was elected Vice President, echoed Paehlke’s vision. In Gore’s view, free men and women who feel individual responsibility for particular part of the earth are, by and large, it’s most effective stewards, both individually and through shared opinion of community responsibilities. (13)

Have Fewer Children
The world’s population has doubled during the last half century, climbing from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 5.9 billion in 1998. The United Nation projects that human population in 2050 will rage between 7.7 to 11.2 billion. Overpopulation is arguably the world’s most serious environmental problem, because it exacerbates all of the others. This unprecedented surge in population, combined with rising individual consumption, is pushing our claim on the planet beyond its natural resources.(14) China’s initial efforts lowered annual rates of population growth considerably. Total fertility rate declined from 5.8 in 1970 to 1.8 in 1999. later on some relaxation given to specific area and families which resulted increase 20 percent birth rate between 1985 to 1987(15).
Use Less Water—and Keep It Clean

Fresh, clean water is essential to life—no one can live long without it—yet it is one of the scarcest and most endangered resources on our increasingly fragile planet. Water covers more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, but most of that is salt water. Freshwater supplies are much more limited, and today a third of the world’s people lack access to clean drinking water. In U.S.A water use per capita increased from 33 to 144 gallons per day in Chicago, 8 to 55 in Cleveland and 55 to 149 in Detroit (16).According to the United Nations, 95 percent of the cities worldwide still dump raw sewage into their water supplies. Not surprisingly, 80 percent of all illnesses in developing countries can be linked to unsanitary water. Use only as much water as you need, doesn’t waste the water you do use, and avoid doing anything to taint or endanger water supplies.

Eat Responsibly
Eating locally grown food supports local farmers and merchants in your own community as well as reducing the amount of fuel, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions required to move the food you eat from the farm to your table. Eating responsibly also means eating less meat, and fewer animal products such as eggs and dairy products, or perhaps none at all. It’s a matter of good stewardship of our finite resources. Farm animals emit methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming, and raising animals for food requires many times more land and water than growing food crops.

Conserve Energy—and Switch to Renewable Energy
Walk, bike and use public transportation more. Drive less. Not only will you be healthier and help to preserve precious energy resources, you’ll also save money. According to a study by the American Public Transportation Association, families that use public transportation can reduce their household expenses by $6,200 annually, more than the average U.S. household spends on food every year. Whenever possible, choose renewable energy over fossil fuels. For example, many municipal utilities now offer green energy alternatives so that you can get some or all of your electricity from wind, solar or other renewable energy sources.

Nature has given recurrent and poignant warning through dust storms floods and droughts that we must act while there is yet time if we would preserve for ourselves and our posterity the natural sources of a virile natural life.

Its important to remember that global warming and the affects it can and will likely have on the earth will come in stages, but it is fact these effects are very harmful for our planet for our weather pattern and economy. The good news is that these slow moving stages may give us more time to stop global warming or al least lessoning its impact. This means using less fossil fuel, eliminating CFCs altogether, and slowing down deforestation.

The great question of the 21st is shall we surrender to our surroundings, or shall we make peace with nature and begin to make reparation for damage we have done to our air our land our water? Restoring nature to its natural state is a cause beyond nation and beyond functions. It is become a common cause of all the people of world. This can be achieved best through energy conservation, including better use of efficient automobiles; and energy efficiency by greater use of gas which results in global warming and adopting renewable energy such as solar power. We need to stop destroying rain forests (deforestation) and start replanting trees (re-forestation) to soak up carbon dioxides. So we can transfer beauty of nature to our coming off spring.

Imran Mangrio
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