Health crises in pakistan
(nabeela waheed, Islamabad)
Health is an important sector
in human life and amongst the population of Pakistan, the burden of diseases can
be classified under two broad categories: half due to communicable diseases,
reproductive health and malnutrition while the other half due to
non-communicable diseases, injuries and mental health disorders. Government of
Pakistan should focus on enhancing the number of people who access quality
essential health services, particularly in the low performing districts of all
Provinces because Pakistan is attributed to the lack of access to basic health
care services, poverty, lack of health infrastructure and personnel, especially
in the rural areas, people live far from hospitals and basic health care units.
Some studies indicate that a significant portion of the rural poor incomes is
spent on preventable common diseases linked to contaminated water and unsanitary
living conditions. Four components are backbone in our system to improve health
care services system and country’s poor health indicators in our country : 1)
Improving Health Service Delivery; 2) Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness of
the Health System; 3) Strengthening Provincial Department of Health Management
Capacity; and 4) Improving the Capacities in Technical Areas for Equitable
Health Services need to focus on it . No wonder, the healthy people with the
quality of life always able to achieve higher levels of economic progress and
from an Islamic perspective health is viewed as one of the greatest blessings
that God has bestowed on mankind. It should be noted that the greatest blessing
after belief is health, as narrated in the following Hadith: The final messenger
of God, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mounted the pulpit, then wept and said, "Ask
Allah (swt) for forgiveness and health, for after being granted certainty, one
is given nothing better than health."Related in Tirmidhi.
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