(Javeed Zaheer, Toronto)

 TORONTO: Like all of us, Kashmiris too are human beings and their blood too is as red and precious as like that of people of all countries and communities. They too deserve the same attention, treatment, love, respect, care, justice and equality.

Unfortunately, the world has been extremely cruel to them. Instead of acting as blind, deaf and dumb, had the world felt their terrible pain, moan and groan and their cry for justice, help and support they too would have been enjoying today like all of us the fruit of real freedom, equality, justice and democracy and living an independent, peaceful and respectable life.

In order to invite attention of the saner world, the champions of human rights and the related world bodies and agencies including United Nations, Kashmiris all over the world observe every year on February 5 Kashmir Day. Pakistanis worldwide and the Muslim World join them by observing Kashmir Solidarity Day on the same date. They will continue to do so till the Kashmiris get their rights and freedom and the worldwide attention, treatment, help and support they truly deserve. Thousands of innocent Kashmiris have sacrificed their lives and millions more are prepared to sacrifice their lives till the struggle for freedom continues and the goal is achieved.

Parliaments and governments of all levels in the world are extremely sacred places where leaders, policymakers and bureaucrats sit and work in the best interest of the people and the country. Only the best people and trusted leaders whose conscience keeps guiding them must be allowed to enter, sit and work here.

People without conscience, wrong and bad leaders and policymakers do more serious harm than doing any good. In a sense they prove as enemies of the state, people and mankind. Because of them both the country and people suffer terribly. Lives of the people become miserable. Therefore, they must never be allowed to enter or remain in the sacred places at any cost. Such people and leaders and their parties must be fully exposed to protect the country and people. Electing, supporting and promoting them is a serious crime. Those doing this are their equal partners.

As a good human being, it is the duty and responsibility in all sense of all parliamentarians, leaders and people of the world to practically come forward and act to help and support the just causes and struggles anywhere including Kashmir. Innocent and helpless people anywhere need our help and must not be ignored.

The silence of the world and the United Nations ineffectiveness in such cases is a serious crime against humanity. They must understand and serve humans in reality instead of serving vested interests. They must stop acting as dummies and mummies. The people cannot be fooled all the time. They know the reality, the propagandas and the conspiracies.

As a Canadian Citizen of Pakistani Origin and as Founder of SHIR International Network with mission and vision: Serve Humanity In Reality (SHIR), I strongly appeal on behalf of the suffering Kashmiris to the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, and all the leaders in the Canadian Parliament and provincial assemblies to take up the issue seriously for a permanent solution because it is a humanitarian cause.

Canada and Canadians too are human rights champions and it is their duty and responsibility to play this very important role. Because India and Pakistan have failed to solve the issue and instead several fought wars in which millions have suffered and thousands mercilessly killed therefore Canada and Canadians must step forward to help. This will help bring and ensure a permanent peace, stability and progress in South Asia region.

Canadians know the pain of sufferings. In the last one decade, Canada and Canadians suffered a lot. They realised the harm being caused to the people and country and decided to bring a change. Their right decision helped brought a good change. The change for better will only be effective if the wrong and bad policies are replaced with good and better ones. This is being done slow and steady. The dirt of a decade cannot be cleaned in a day or two. One thing is certain and that is that people are taking a sigh of relief.

Conservative MP John Carmichael used to give lollypops to the people coming to his office. I used to tease him: “Only lollypops for the people”. He had helped many people but people were not happy with his staff. By giving lollypops indirectly he was giving a powerful message to the people that he wanted to help but was helpless and because of the party policies and politics he could only give lollypops. So he drowned with the boat (Conservative Party) he was in.

Liberal MP Rob Oliphant has now replaced John Carmichael. He is a good leader and determined to help and support people. He is tried and tested and listens, helps and supports. He has a good staff including the young lady Shifa. This is what people need. Similarly, Salma Zahid, MP, too is a good leader. She is a Canadian of Pakistani origin and has already been given an important task. It is the best opportunity for all Canadians of Pakistani Origin who have been made MPs to make the community, people and Canada proud. They must prove that they have been voted and elected rightly.

All the burning issues needing and deserving priority must be tackled in the best possible manner. Delays in sponsorship cases of spouses and families must be cut to minimum possible time so that families could be united so that they could help each other, live happily and contribute tremendously.

Distinguished community leaders including Shahid Hashmi, Chairman, Canpak Chamber of Commerce, Syed Muhammad Iqbal, President of Pak Seniors Forum (PSF), and Firoz Khan, journalist and founder of Mehfil Group, remain active to help and support people, particularly those victimized and in crisis due to the harmful and bad policies of the past government. They keep feeding me positively on various issues in order to help me take them up through writing so that the wrong policies could be replaced by good ones and people helped. Their intention is good and inspires me to always think and act.


About the Author: JAVED ZAHEER Read More Articles by JAVED ZAHEER: 63 Articles with 51270 views Proud to be a Pakistani & Canadian. Born in Karachi, Pakistan in 1952. Both parents from Lucknow, UP, India. Still have near and dear ones (Sisters, n.. View More