(sarwar, lahore)


Iqra Yousaf Jami! Your Article " Zinda Baad Maghar Kaun??" has left a good question for the viewers. I will make an humble effort to answer your question. There could be many factors, reasons and forces responsible for the bomb blasts, explosions, target killings, fires in factories, markets, collective rapes, increased crime rate, terrorist attacks on shrines and sudden violent reactions by particular segments of the population. An Anchor Person of Indian News Channel, during coverage of “Aalimi Sufi Forum” held in Bharat, in a satiric tone, claimed that unlike Pakistan (An Islamic State), no madrasa or shrine has been subjected to terrorist attack in Bharat!!

Both the Britishers and the Hindus did their best that the English, on leaving the Sub continent, should hand over the United India to the Hindus. Had their designs materialized, it would have been freedom for the Hindus but for the Muslims it was only “Change of Masters.” The Quaid-i-Azam foiled the combined efforts of the English and the Hindus. The Muslims succeeded in having a separate homeland (Pakistan) - carved out of the united Indian Sub Continent. To us it was freedom from British Rule but for the Hindus it amounted to Partition of India or cutting the Dharti Mata (Mother land) in to two parts. The Hindus regarded it an unforgivable crime the Muslims did in 1947. Since then the Hindus are all out to undo the Partition. There is a long list of their conspiracies, felon actions, crook policies, hidden moves, false promises, discrete planning and naked aggression, all aimed at to cripple, cut to size and, if possible, to undo Pakistan. The Princely States, in utter violation of the Partition Plan, were annexed to Bharat, on one pretext or the other. Even Sikkim and Bhutan lost their identity as independent States. Bharat thinks that Pakistan is the only obstacle in her long cherished aim of establishing AKHAND BHARAT, and this obstacle must be removed immediately and at all cost. The Confessional Statement of Commander Kul Bhushan Yadav, an Indian Navy officer, arrested while crossing Iranian border, discloses alarming details amply proving that Bharat is all out to weaken, destabilize and damage Pakistan on the lines of her activities in former East Pakistan. P M Moodi, during his visit to Bangla Desh admitted that Bharat, through Mukti Bhani, helped Awami League and succeeded in separation of former East Pakistan. A new dimension of aggression (carried since 1947) by Bharat: severe violations of the Indus Water Treaty. Through Water Aggression, she is planning to choke completely supply of water to Pakistan to:

a) Create shortage of water,
b) Turn Pakistan into a desert,
c) Cause maximum destruction in Pakistan through well coordinated Floods,
d) Invade crippled Pakistan immediately after floods and finish it off once for all.

We had USSR (One of the two Super Powers) in our West. Though we did not share direct borders with her yet once only a thin strip of Wakhan (15–20 KM wide) separated both the countries. The USSR invaded Afghanistan, with a clear mission: to reach Warm waters of the Indian Ocean. It was a threat to our freedom, integrity, solidarity and existence. We stood with the Afghans and succeed in throwing USSR out of Afghanistan. German nation should have felt obliged to the Afghan Mujahidin as it was because of their efforts that The wall of Berlin was erased and unification of Germany turned into reality as the Mujahidin had weakened the USSR armed forces to such an extent that they had to leave Central Asian States, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Litovonia, Lithovonia, Hungry, Romania, Aazirbyjan, and Armenia. Russia was cut to size and lost her identity as USSR. Many of the countries in Europe bade good bye to Socialism and joined ECU. The Russians think that Pakistan is directly responsible for this miserable plight. She wants to take the revenge.

There are only two States i.e., Pakistan and Israel, who emerged on the basis of Religion. Israel, with no defined borders, has forcibly annexed territory of the Palestinians, living since ages. She has clear cut intentions to extend her borders to all those areas where the Jews had been living at various stages in history. Pakistan has not recognized Israel. Israel considers that Pakistan, as compared to the Arabs, is her enemy No.1. She, in collaboration with Mossad, RAW, KGB and some secret agencies of her friendly countries, is carrying out secret clandestine operations in Pakistan.

Afghanistan is our neighbor and apparently friendly country. On our inception in 1947, she was the only country who opposed our entry to UNO. Though our relations with Afghanistan have been normal yet they were never very warm. However, the Puppet governments in Kabul, have always been complaining of Pakistan’s support to Talbaan pitched against her. Bharat, in the light of Chankia Doctrine, has established very close links with Afghan and Iran governments. She has been imparting training to the Civil and Armed forces of Afghanistan. She has made heavy investments in various fields in Afghan economy. She wants to replace US after her withdrawal of Coalition forces from Afghanistan. It is Bharat’s long cherished desire that she, through Afghanistan, extends her influence and trade to the Central Asian States. This is only possible if Pakistan grants the status of “The Most Favored Nation” to Bharat. But this is not possible.

There are many other countries, though apparently friendly, but their past record shows that they dismayed us in the hour of need. They were never happy with Pakistan and they will never be trustworthy friends. Discretely they will cooperate with all forces/agencies working against Pakistan’s interest. I am sure we can, to some extent, understand why the terrorist have not spared even shrines in Pakistan. However, one thing is clear: despite heavy odds, and combined efforts of various foreign intelligence agencies and some of the foreign funded NGOs, the Nuclear Pakistan (A Special gift by Almighty Allah bestowed to the Muslims of the Sub Continent on night 27 Ramzan i.e. Laila - tul – Qadr), will flourish, progress and remain on the world map till Dome’s day.” The only thing is that “We should remain vigilant and sincere to the Divine Gift (Pakistan) and the Commitment made in the slogan “ PAKISTAN KA MATLIB KAYA; LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH.”

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