Prevalence of World Peace

(Rafey Iqbal Rahman, Karachi)

World peace, the easy it is to spell, the more difficult it is to handle. Today’s world has progressed through leaps and bounds. It has almost conquered the earth, oceans & the moon, now it is struggling hard for the conquest of space. Still the world of today is facing numerous issues, but the issue of world peace prevails for many years. The United Nations was established after the WW II in order to maintain peace & security in the world. Peacekeeping forces were established for the settling down of major conflicts. But unfortunately, the dream of peace never came true. Lack of political commitment & non-negotiation are deemed as the root causes responsible for the inhibition or slowing down the efforts for the maintenance of world peace, ultimately leading to a major failure. The UN has proved to be a very weak organization, when it came to the matter of international peace. Achievements & successes in this regard have been certainly great but the challenges facing ahead are even greater. The situation has come to such a sorry pass that now the world first confronts the challenge of re-establishing world peace & then maintaining it.

To re-establish/maintain world peace, the factors contributing to the demolition of peace must be analyzed first. The think-tanks attribute many causes. One reason, which is generally mentioned is, Nationalism. Excess of everything is bad. When patriotism exceeds its limits, it becomes what we call nationalism. Nationalism is a blind love for one’s country & people. It is based upon narrow mindedness, intense religious prejudice & of course on selfishness. Injustice & deprivation are also considered as significant causes. In Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya ____ all Muslim countries are engaged in freedom struggle which is being denied to them. The freedom fighters, out of frustration & anger, resort to use of force, to vent their feelings. Imperialism, ideological conflict & economic unbalance are also best considered for the demotion of international peace & security.

So under this situation we cannot be very optimistic about the future, however UN can prove to be an effective instrument of peace if certain alterations are made in its functioning & is provided with collective self-defence, backed by preponderant power over most of the Earth's surface. Otherwise, the world is today standing on the volcano of problems which may burst into the most disastrous war any time any moment. And if so happens, it will be the end of the world.

Rafey Iqbal Rahman
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