True Leaders Are Best, Hypocrites Are Pest

(Javed Zaheer, Toronto)

TORONTO: True leaders are like gem are very rare whereas hypocrites like pests are everywhere. It is definitely not in the people and national interests to choose, vote, support, promote and follow hypocrites and any person, leader and party not loyal to the people.

People of good character, conscience and credibility can sacrifice their lives and everything but will never compromise on the issue of loyalty with the people and country. They are patriots and not hypocrites.

DIFFERENCE: There is a vast difference between hypocrisy and democracy. Mostly in the name of democracy hypocrisy is being promoted and practiced. The word democracy is used as a shield to hide hypocrisy and hypocrites. The world can never be a safe place with such hypocrisy democracy run by hypocrites.

They are responsible for the worst type of destruction, sufferings and poverty in the world and merciless and brutal killing of millions of helpless and innocent people in the name of peace and danger to national interests. All such cruel, gruesome and beastly acts are committed solely for their vested interests.

Through proper awareness and understanding, people must be educated to recognize the hypocrites and their cunningness and warned not to commit the grave mistake of trusting the hypocrites and exploiters again and again and being easily trapped.

HIDE AND SEEK: After elections and being voted, the hypocrites and exploiters are hardly seen and hard to catch. For four years they live in their own world of fantasy and keep playing hide and seek with the naïve, innocent or helpless people.

Unfortunately, most of the leaders and parties worldwide are not loyal to the people and if they are not loyal to the people then understandably they are not loyal to the country as well.

The importance of trust and confidence, commitment and promises are all meaningless for them and only tools to fool the people. With such character, attitude, approach and policies of leaders and parties, people can never become and remain happy. Only they will keep becoming poorer and their lives miserable. The graphs and statistics of progress and prosperity are all restricted to paper work. A fair survey will definitely reveal how painful the lives of most people are. Their miseries are increasing and multiplying rapidly resulting in increase of all sorts of crimes, serious illnesses and mental sickness of all types leading to even suicides.

HARMFUL GIFTS: All these are harmful gifts of wrong policies, leaders and parties. We keep getting lollypops laced with sweet poison. There are many catches, which must be exposed and removed.

Many basic facilities and necessities including grocery, housing and rents are becoming beyond their reach. Along with other issues, non-affordability of many things is an important issue. The fact is that issues continue to pile up and remain unattended. They can only be solved if the leaders and parties become loyal to the people and country. Unfortunately, this is not happening for long and resulting in suffering of people. The challenges are becoming tougher.

BAD PRACTICE: If we understand and stop the bad practice of voting for, supporting, protecting, promoting and following blindly the wrong people, leaders and parties and only go for the right ones then believe me there will be tremendous real changes.

Both the people and country would benefit tremendously through stability, great progress and prosperity. This is an important reality and a great service to the people, country, community and humanity.

Lollypops and lip service must always be rejected. This will not only put great pressure on the leaders and parties but put them on the right track and also compel them to act positively and practically serve the people and country.

The vote has tremendous power and is the foundation of success. Progress, prosperity and stability of the people and

country. The important thing is the right use of vote in order to make the parliament and institutions really strong and powerful with a team of good leaders, advisers and policymakers.

The parties must give freedom to their leaders and team members instead of making them just robots, puppets and helpless. Those trying to become voice and strength of the people face punishment in many ways and fear losing nomination and support of the party in future. No good system can work properly and effectively in this way. This will always remain hypocrisy and can never be called real democracy.

The parties badly treating and punishing good leaders and policymakers must face severe punishment and that is NO VOTE for them. It is important to make them realize that people and voters are not pests. They deserve full loyalty and respect.

HUMAN TERMITES: Hypocrites are human termites and making the country hollow. They can only cause damage. For real democracy, we need good leaders and parties who are truly loyal to the people and the country. They do not fear the consequences and do not compromise even with their party and leaders.

We need leaders who understand the people and respect them, their votes, issues, problems and needs. Who live, fight and die for the people and country. There are such leaders but we need to encourage, support and promote them.

Yes, we need good people and leaders with a mindset to practically unite, through assurances, trust and confidence, people of different mindsets and priorities on a common platform and same page. Only they can do this.

CONTRIBUTION: Active participation of the people is seen in social, cultural, religious and political activities and gatherings. This is good and healthy and should be encouraged in order to have good society.

Along with active participation, the people must be educated and encouraged to focus on active contribution in order to build good families, communities, society and system, essentially needed to establish real democracy.

One very successful person said: “My priorities are 1)My health 2)My family 3) My friends and employees and 4) Money. Greedy people start with money, end with money and end as losers. This is what they get. As losers, how can they help the people country and even their families?” Hypocrites too fall in the greedy group as they become richer and make people poorer.

Critic role is very important in ensuring good policies for good working of parliament and leaders. This way the system could be improved and strengthened.

We must encourage the people and groups to become voice and strength of the people in order to fight hypocrites and exploiters and to meet expectations of the people. The mafia involved in hurting and harming the country, people, society and system must be exposed. Only by becoming powerful voice and strength of the people, we can help bring real change and real democracy.

CORRUPTION: I keep meeting people of different mindsets, communities, countries and religions. We listen to each other and engage in very good discussions and dialogues in a very friendly manner. Most of them without any second thought say that corruption is the main cause of poverty and destruction of institutions in their respective countries.

BENGALIS: My highly educated Bengali friend from Bangladesh, who is a Canadian citizen, says: “Brother, over ninety (90) per cent of Bangladeshis like and love Pakistan so much that they are prepared to fight and die for Pakistan if there is war between India and Pakistan.

“Whatever happened in the past is history and now we are with Pakistan and Pakistanis. They are our Muslim brothers and we can never leave them alone. There is lot of protests going on in Bangladesh. People are being killed, arrested and tortured. Pakistanis and Muslims worldwide must know about it and speak out against the corrupt and cruel Bangladesh Government.”

SIKHS: Similarly, most of the Sikhs in Canada are fed up with corruption and worst kind of discrimination in India. They say: “Corrupt politicians, leaders and rulers have made lives of non-Hindus and even low-caste Hindus miserable. They are so powerful that it is hard to get rid of them.

“This is why we moved to Canada, one of the best places on earth. We have nothing against the Muslims. The Muslim saint Hazrat Mian Mir Sahab of Pakpattan, Pakistan, was invited by one of our Guru and laid the foundation stone of the Golden Temple.

“When we go to Pakistan, we get very warm welcome, great respect and best hospitality. How can we then dislike and hate them. It is the corrupt politicians are rulers who divide and create hatred.”

This is the tale of almost every person I meet in Canada from developing or poor country, particularly Africa and Asia. All say in one voice: “Corruption is destroying our people, society, system and country. In Canada we and our children are getting best facilities and opportunities.”

CHOOSE OPTIONS: Without true leaders, good policies and practical action for implementation all efforts including for electoral reforms or changes of laws or the propagated real change would go waste. Parliaments and institutions without true leaders and good people would prove garbage bins full of dirt and pests.

They are all sacred institutions but our votes for the wrong leaders and parties are turning them into garbage bins. We are directly responsible for such wrong and dirty practices by acting senselessly and irresponsibly. There is always option for us: VOTE OR NO VOTE.

Before asking for and expecting real changes we must first change ourselves. True leaders never beg for votes. Instead people run after them and vote for them without asking. It is the people who become winners by electing true leaders.

We can only win by helping, supporting and promoting each other with positive and constructive approach. Good people and great leaders show great patience and never try to exploit, cheat, harm and hurt anyone. This is the spiritual guidance given in the holy books including the Holy Quran.

This is the real test for deserving paradise where one will find no vice. So rise and choose the right option: The right path as mentioned in the first chapter (Al-Fateha) of the holy Quran.

REMINDER: Shahid Hashmi, Chairman, Canpak Chamber of Commerce, accountant and a distinguished community leader, keeps saying and reminding the Muslim community members: “Most Muslims don’t follow the religion in realty. They don’t act and implement what they say, teach and preach. This is why the community is suffering. We must learn to like, love and respect each other and live and work together.”

As founder of SHIR International Network, this is what part of my message is. My mission and vision is Serve Humanity In Reality (SHIR). Most people keep asking me senselessly: “How do you serve or we can serve humanity in reality. We don’t understand your motto?” I can understand their taunts and sick mentality.

This does not bother me but instead makes me stronger and more determined to meet the tough challenges. They act as a fuel for the fire burning in me and the desire to serve humanity.

About the Author: JAVED ZAHEER Read More Articles by JAVED ZAHEER: 63 Articles with 52292 views Proud to be a Pakistani & Canadian. Born in Karachi, Pakistan in 1952. Both parents from Lucknow, UP, India. Still have near and dear ones (Sisters, n.. View More