A Short Introduction to Kashmir

(Amar Jahangir, Rawalakot Azad Kashmr)

1- Name (Kashmir):
There are different opinions about the Kashmir in general and for the valley of Kashmir in particular. Since the purpose here is not to write history but to provide a historical background for the introductory profile, a mixture of different versions were thought to be a basic opening. Different people explain the word “Kashmir” differently. Following are some examples in this regard.
1. According to the oldest text book of Kashmir, "NilamatPurana", the Kashmir Valley was formerly a lake known as Satisar1
2. According to the Hindu mythology, the lake Satisar surrounded by snow packed mountains. That lake was inhabitant by a Giant demon, called “Jalodbhava”. He devoured and terrorized the Nagas, who lived in the mountains surrounding the lake. It is said the Kashyap Rishi (grandson of Lord Brahma) once went on a pilgrimage to Kashmir. The Nagas appealed to him for help. Since the demon was unconquerable with in water, the Rishi performed great penance to secure divine intervention. His prayer granted and lord Vishnu, assuming the form of a unicorn, pierced the mountain to the west of the lake at a place called Baramulla with his trident and water drained away through the resulting valley. As the lake dried, Jalodbhava could not hide anymore and was killed by gods. The valley was emerged from drainjng the lake come to be known as Kashyp Mar meaning the adope of Kashap the language of the people over a period of time, KashapMer become, “Kashmir” the present name of the Valley. 2
3. According to Kalhan’s Rajatarangini, Kashyapa was the pioneer King of Kashmir and this region was known as Kashyapamar, which gradually changed to Kashmar and Kashmir. 3
4. Another group narrates that when the caravan of Hazrat Suleman took the rest on Koh-e-Suleman then he saw the water all around him, his companions consulted with him if the water drained out then a beautiful land came out for its habitants. A gin stood up his name was Kashif to drain it out on the condition to marry with most beautiful fairy, her name was Meer.
5. It is also stated that some people of Banu Israel came to Central Asia and then Afganistan, Gilgit and Kashmir. The people who settle in Kashmir they impressed with its beauty and said that this place resembled with Syria. The word Kashmir is derived from Ka means like and Ahseer means Syria, mean the land like Syria.
6. Charles Ellison Bates, wrote in his book “A Gazettier of Kahmir” that Kashmir is the combination of two words, Kas means light and Mir means Ocean. Light of Ocean 4.
7. Some linguists say that the old name Satisar was replaced by Ka-samira, that may be taken to mean land from which water Ka has been drained off by wind (Samira) 5 or Ka means water and Shimeer means desiccate. desiccated land or dry land.
8. According to an-other interpretation, Kashmir is a compound of two words, Kash-Mir. Kash means Channels and Mir means mountain 6 (stone). Land of channels and mountains.
9. The ancient Greeks called Kashmir as "Kasperia".
10. The earliest Chinese reference to Kashmir is dated 541 A.C., which calls the valley Ku-Shih-mi. 7
11. The inhabitants pronounce it as Kashir which, according to Stein, is the direct phonetic derivative of Kashmir with the loss of m. in Kashur or Koshur the inhabitant of Kashir and the language of Kashir, u replaces i. 8
The name Kashmir has been used as the only designation of the country throughout its known history. We can trace back its continued use through an unbroken chain of documents for more than twenty centuries, while the name itself is undoubtedly for more ancient.
2- Geography of Jammu and Kashmir:
There are seven continents of the world; Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica. Five oceans of the world are; Pacific, Indian, Arctic, North Atlantic and Southern ocean. Kashmir region is situated in Asian continent. It is located southern part (South Asia) of Asia and northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent. It includes the Indian occupies Jammu and Kashmir (Jammu, Ladakh and Valley), Gilgit and Beltistan, the Chinese controlled Kashmir (Aksai Chin and Karakoram) and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The State of Jammu and Kashmir is surrounded by five countries; China (north to east), India (south),Pakistan (west), Afghanistan and Tajikistan (northwest). The state of Jammu and Kashmir shares its borders with five countries; China (1207 km)Pakistan(965 km), India(483 km), Afghanistan (80 km), and Tajikistan (64 km). 9
3- Area of Jammu and Kashmir:
Today the State Jammu and Kashmir is separatedinto four parts; Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Gilgit Beltistan, Indian occupied and Chinese controlled. Total area of Jammu and Kashmir is 84471 Sq. miles10
1. Azad Jammu and Kashmir, 4144 Sq. miles11.
2. Gilgit Beltistan, 27946 Sq. miles12.
3. Indian occupied Kashmir (Valley, Ladakh and Jammu), 41342 Sq. miles13.
4. Chinese control Kashmir (Aksai Chin), 11039 Sq. miles 14.

1. “NilamatPurana", the oldest text book of Kashmir,
2. Explore Kashmiri Pandits
3. Kalhan’sRajatarangini
4. A Gazettier of Kahmir by Charles Ellison Bates
5. Kashir by G.M.D sufi
6. Ibid
7. Ibid
8. Ibid
9. Kashmir Quiz by GhulamShabir
10. Jammu and Kashmir Album by Nazir Ahmed Tishna
11. Ibid
12. Ibid
13. Ibid
14. Ibid

About the Author: AMAR JAHANGIR Read More Articles by AMAR JAHANGIR: 33 Articles with 31996 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.