(Hammad Zubair Khan, Hyderabad)


The Professional tourist and PROFESSOR Salman Adil Siddiqui was born on 21st January 1973 in Hyderabad, He used to be one of the most prominent student in his school life. He had to do job while he was getting education because of financial crisis. He took his early education from home then he was sent to school. He struggled a lot for getting education. He completed his masters in Pakistan studies from university of Sindh and then he was appointed as lecturer of Pakistan Studies on 17th April 2008. From the beginning of his life he was fond of visiting places of Pakistan and this is one of the reason to study masters of Pakistan studies. He purchased his own bike for tours on 9th March 2016 and He started a bikers club so called “Bikers Motive Travelers Group Pakistan” in October 2016 and he became founder of this club. He used to travel mountain all over Pakistan as a tourist in cars and jeeps, he became the member of Muzaffarabad Jeep Club in 2011-12 as well as Lahore Club k2 king. He was fond of meeting bikers and whomsoever passes by the Hyderabad he stocked and called them at home and did hospitality for just humanity. He met Muzammil Imran called Mota Bhai from Lahore and Rao Ahmed from Qusur when they were passing by Hyderabad on bike on 13th May 2016, they were the bikers and they were touring Hyderabad and they have covered 14500 km as tourists on bikes, from these inspiration Salman Adil Siddiqui got more keen interest in biking and Bikers Motive Travelers Group Pakistan which he just started 1 month ago, he thought to create history and to become a record holder so he took his wife and his son on bike and started travelling from Hyderabad to Khunjraat Pass (Pak China Border), during this they firstly travelled from Hyderabad to Sukkur, Sukkur to Multan, Multan to Lahore, Lahore to Jehlum, Jehlum to Rawalpindi, Rawalpindi to Abbottabad, Abbottabad to Chelaas, Chelaas to Karakoram Highway, Karakoram Highway to Mina pin (Hunza Nagar) and finally Mina Pin to Khunjraat Pass (Pak China Border) during of this tour, he rode his bike till 4200 km and spent 6290 rupees on the expenditures on bike. He just covered these all in just 17 days, he left Hyderabad on 4th June and returned back on 21st June 2016. He created bikers history with family and during this all he was appreciated by every governmental officer who were meeting them during tour. He has done many tours after these all like Thattha, Hala, Nehal Shah Noori, Hosh Mohammad Sheedi,Thar, Sukrand, Keer Thaar National Park, Gorakh Hills, Khuzdaar. He is spreading his network of peaceful Pakistan as Pakistan is a safe country to tour or travel. As it was started in October 2016, till now Bikers Motive Travelers Group Pakistan has made Karachi unit, Balochistan unit, Ghotki unit, Bahawalpur unit, Lahore unit and it is being increased day out of day.

Hammad Zubair Khan
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