Do More, Once Again?

(Muhammad Aized, Lahore)

US policy regarding Pakistan was announced on 22 August by Donald Trump, the president. He urged Pakistan to do more against terrorists. And alleged Pakistan as a safe haven to some hostile agencies. He uttered that US has been giving billion of dollars to Pakistan but complained about not following the policy in letter and spirit.

Actually the fact is; US has the largest war industry. It is an old tactic of US. First of all, create a conflict, define lines of differentiations and when two parties are at daggers drawn. Then sell them weapons, ammunition and tools of warfare. And when American interests run counter to that devastation, leave that area with ruination, annhilation and mourning people who could do nothing except to regret.

Horrible examples of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan are in sight. Now the question is; either the Americans are that much shrewd and canny or the third world is too chucklehead and dummy? That we readily consent to the chopping off of our heads in return of disgrace and nothing else.

US should endorse the sacrifices of Pakistani nation in this war on terror rather than pushing to do more. And Pakistan must try to swim to the surface rather than drowning with oppressive weight of US policies. Although, America is a reality. But the relationship should carry on bilateral grounds, not on do more policy!

Muhammad Aized
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