A Great Boss is hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.

(Muhammad Shoaib Tanoli, )

I lost one of my managers a couple of years ago and I can’t seem to forget him or the legacy he left behind. He was one of my earliest examples of true leadership. I often refer to him as "The Memorable Leader."

I had a family emergency and before I could finish explaining to him the situation. He said, "And you are still standing here talking to me? Why aren't you out the door yet? I'll cover for you." I smiled then went to my desk, took my belongings and left. Thereafter, he had my full commitment.
Here are five qualities of memorable leaders:

Integrity & Authenticity go hand in hand. Joseph was honest with employees even though this trait was sometimes unpopular with top management. He often took the slack for his team. If leadership is not authentic, then what is it?

Humility. True leaders always aim to serve rather than be served. Being humble makes you more approachable to your followers and allows you to create an environment of open communication and more effective feedback.

Empathy plays a critical role in one’s ability to be a successful leader. It sharpens your "people acumen" and allows leaders to develop and maintain relationships with those they lead. Leaders that possess this trait always make time for people.

Communication Skills - Great leaders are able to communicate their vision in such a way that motivates their team. They are great communicators; quick to listen and slow to speak. They possess high emotional intelligence skills.

Inspirational- Joseph didn't need a title to get us to complete tasks. He had our full support. Words such as "Good work team," "You are the best”, “I trust your judgement” were at the top of his dictionary. Team spirit was high during his reign.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

Managers are forgotten but true leaders live on in the hearts and minds of followers. Sometimes I can still picture Joseph walking through the office, greeting staff on mornings, and might even give me a little nod or pat on the back. Those were the special moments I still hold dear. It doesn’t take much to create those special moments with your team.

Good bosses are few and far in between, but if and when you get one, really appreciate them.

Muhammad Shoaib Tanoli
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