Naive Indians

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

In my opinion the Indians are very much naive in dealing with the Pakistani rulers . I think they take little heed of the international relations. They can get a lot while formulating their foreign policy, especially their policy towards our country, keeping in view the policy of USA.

The big turban of Manmohan Singh is that of Mullah Nasiruddin. Like American, he should not be afraid of the atom bomb of Pakistan . Had Indians the required acumen, they wouldn't have gone towards the present stance of jingoism in dealing with Pakistan.

After the 9/11 incident, with any concrete evidences, Pakistan took a u-turn in its policy towards the government of Taliban and did what the Yankees wanted out of it. Our military rulers did no hesitate from selling their citizens to American agencies even not to talk of the logistic support. The active force behind all this was carrot--money.

After 9/11, America has provided about 10 billion US dollars to Pakistan in the war against terror at the hands of Mushararf. And as a result the Yankees has got every thing, even beyond their expectations in the so called war against terror.

Sensing the amount as little, the American has promised some 15 billion US dollars for the new government of Zardari. In the first years the Zardarian government has proved itself much more active and loyal for the Yankees in the so called war on terror. Where Musharaf was hesitant , Zardari and his Generals are doing that. They even bombarded their own territories and made half a million Pakistani citizens homeless in their own motherland in order to prove its suitability for this big chunk of 15 billion dollars.

Therefore, one has to lament the acumen of the foreign policy makers of the Indian government not to use this strategy while dealing with Pakistan.

But one thing which should be kept in mind while using this tactics in thier policy is not to ask about the use and misuse of that money.

In using this policy, the Manmohan Singh government will have to provide only a small amount from its kitty of foreign exchange reserves which is the second largest in the world.

Abu Shahab
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