Pakistan on path of economic growth trajectory

(Ambreen Fatima, Karachi)

Due to government policies not only the country's economy was on a strong footing, but also it was successfully meeting the challenges of extremism, terrorism and chronic energy shortages.

"Government has taken difficult decisions on vital national matters with consensus of all majors' political parties and the country's democratic institutions would continue to get stronger in the times ahead," official sources said.

They said that investment plays a very important and positive role for the progress and prosperity of any country and the recent International Investment Conference would pave way for much-needed foreign investment.

But an observation is , Pakistan is amongst the important emerging economies of the region, with population of 180 million plus, presenting the ideal location for access to all the growing markets of the world, with liberal and investor friendly policies.

The Government of Pakistan, the sources stated welcomes foreign investment and offers incentives to attract new capital inflows, including tax exemptions, reduced tariffs, and infrastructure and investor facilitation services. the Pakistan had now embarked on the path of high growth economy and was heading towards a bright future for its people.

"All major indicators of economy are pointing to the fact that economy has begun to show signs of revival and moving on the right track", they remarked. Government, had achieved most of the objectives in the past two and a half years as was evident from the overwhelming support it got in the recently concluded local bodies polls and by-polls where the people endorsed the PML-N's policies.

They gave further statement that due to government policies not only the country's economy was on a strong footing, but also it was successfully meeting the challenge of extremism, terrorism and the chronic energy shortages.

Government has taken difficult decisions on vital national matters with consensus of all major political parties and the country's democratic institutions would continue to get stronger in the times ahead. Huge investment was pouring in the energy sector and several new projects were in the pipeline that would be commissioned soon.

The projects in solar, hydel, coal and nuclear, besides the three new power generation plants that would be run with imported Liquefied Natural Gas, these projects would enable the country to meet its energy needs for the next decade.

The government had also increased the well-head price for the oil and gas exploratory companies, while new terminals for LNG have been set up, the sources added.

The government, they said had also slashed its expenses by 30 per cent, while the fiscal deficit too had been brought down from 8.8 per cent to around 5 per cent, inflation was less than 2 per cent and interest rates were at their unprecedented lowest levels.

"Beside this operation Zarb-e-Azb was progressing successfully and the government reiterates his resolve to rid the country of the cancer of extremism and terrorism", they remarked.

The goal of present government, they said was to have a progressive society where its citizens get quality healthcare, education and all facilities of life. "Pakistani nation was forward looking and enterprising and would soon attain a higher place in the comity of nations", they remarked.

The official sources added that to achieve these goals Rs 100 billion social sector development, under which several programs were being run for the empowerment of the youth and particularly woman.

They said that country would soon have a highly improved road linkage, enabling people to drive in few hours from Lahore to Karachi, ample availability of electricity and gas, high speed Internet, efficient goods transportation systems.

They said that 25 industrial zones would be established along the three routes of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor through which China was investing US 46 billion in various sectors of the country.

This programme, they said when implemented would help end power outages in Pakistan, and ensure seamless connectivity between China, South Asia and Central Asia and also increase trade on this corridor will render Gwadar Port one of the busiest in the region, and would herald the dawn of development for the whole of Balochistan.

The government's programme, they said was built around four pillars, the four Es. These were, first, elimination of extremism and terrorism, second, economic development, third, ensuring continuous and affordable supply of energy, and finally enabling the entire society to have access to education and health.


Ambreen Fatima
About the Author: Ambreen Fatima Read More Articles by Ambreen Fatima: 8 Articles with 5754 views A journalist, Freelance , Columnist, Writer , Wing President of NGO... View More