Dumbd Meaning in Urdu

Dumbd meaning in Urdu is Gunga (گونگا). Pronunciation of Dumbd in roman Urdu is "Gunga" and Translation of Dumbd in Urdu writing script is گونگا.

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Dumbd Urdu Meaning with Definition

Dumb meaning In Urdu is gunga. The word has an origin and in English language, it is utilized for several purposes. When use as an adjective, it represents a person who is unable to understand or has a slow tendency to learn. On the other side, when utilized as a verb it stands to become the less intellectually challenging.

Use of Dumb in Sentence

1.He is a dumb person.

2.Dumb and deaf people are considered disabled.

3.They sat there, dumb with rage.

4.He is struck dumb for a while.

5.Dumb can hear the language of kindness.

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