English Words Starting with I

If you want to use the Roman Urdu to English dictionary starting with I, then it is here. Now, you do not need to worry about the English translation of several words. If you are facing any problem regarding typing in the Urdu language then here you can utilize a Roman Urdu to English dictionary. This Roman Urdu to English dictionary starting with I is good in this regard.

English Words Starting with I with Meaning & Translation

English Roman Urdu
Idiom Mohawra محاورہ
Indeed Yaqeenan یقیناً
Influence Asar o rasokh اثر و رسوخ
I Main میں
Insane Pagal پاگل
Integrity Diyaanat دیانت
Intimate Mutla karna مطلع کرنا
Intensity Shiddat شدت
Inspiration Mutasir Karna مُتاثر کرنا
Irritate Parashan karna پریشان کرنا
Intellectual Aqli عَقلی
Illusion Fareeb e nazar فریبِ نظر
Intended Manzoor shuda منظور شدہ
Intuition Ilham اِلہام
Innocent Maasoom معصوم
Inspire Mutasir karna مُتاثر کرنا
Introvert Andar ko morr na اندر کو موڑنا
Instead Bajaay بجائے
Instinct Wajdan وجدان
It Yeh یہ
Impact Asar اثر
Implication Posheeda maeni پوشیدہ معنی
Inevitable Ho kar rehne wala ہو کر رہنے والا
Individual Infardi انفرادی
Intention Niyat نِیَّت
Imply Ishara karna اشارہ کرنا
Innovation Jiddit جِدَّت
Intense Shadeed شدید
Integration Inzam o wasail انضمام وسائل
Incredible Naa qabil e yaqeen ناقابل یقین
Indulge Khush karna خوش کرنا
Incentive Tahreek تحریک
Ironic Tanzia طنزیہ
Intercede Beach ma parna بیچ میں پڑنا
Instance Misal مثال
Intend Niyyat karna نیَّت کرنا
Intoxication Nasha نشہ
Inflation Waram وَرم
Interpretation Tarjumani ترجمانی
Intent Matlab مطلب
Implement Naafiz karna نافذ کرنا
Interest Dilchaspi hona دلچسپی ہونا
Incident Waqia واقعہ
Immortal La zawal لازوال
Import Dar amad درآمد
Is Hay ہے
Interpret Tarjumani karna ترجمانی کرنا
Issue Ijraa اِجرا
Immune Quwaat e madafiyat قوتِ مدافعت
Island Jazeera جزیرہ
Inventory Fehrast فہرست
Ideology Nazaria نظریہ
Intercourse Mil jul میل جول
Initiative Pehla qadam پہلا قدم
Intimacy Gehri dosti گہری دوستی
Inconvenience Dikkat دقت
Induce Targheeb daina ترغیب دینا
Idiot Bay waqoof بے وقوف
Infant Kamsin bachcha کمسن بچہ
Instant Achanak اچانک
Ill Bimaar بیمار
Immunity Chutkara چھٹکارا
Initial Ibtaydaai ابتدائی
In Andar اندر
Insist Israar اصرار
Ideal Tasawwuri تصوری
Interaction Bahami imal باہمی عمل
Insight Baseerat بصیرت
Indigenous Daisi دیسی
Irresistible Naqabel e muzamat ناقابل مذمت
Intervention Mudaakhilat مداخلت
Infinity Na mehdoodi نا محدودی
Immense Bohot ziyaada بہت زیادہ
Intuitive Wajdani وجدانی
Insult Bay izzat karna بے عزت کرنا
Impotent Kamzoor کمزور
Innovative Ijadi ایجادی
Isolated Sunsan سُنسان
Incumbent Mazhabi uhda dar مذہبی عہدہ دار
Insomnia Bay khawabi بے خوابی
Indigo Neel نیل
Incur Mool laina مول لینا
Inclusive Samait سمیت
Inflammation Sojan سوجن
Infrastructure Bunyadi dhancha بُنیادی ڈھانچا
Influenza Wabai zukam وبائی زکام
Imitate Naqal karna نقل کرنا
Imagine Tasavor karna تصور کرنا
Italian Atalvi اطالوی
Intact Salim سالَم
If Agar اگر
Ingredient Jazo جزو
Intelligent Zaheen ذہین
Illustrate Misalon say samjhana مثالوں سے سمجھانا
Implicit Muzamir مضمر
Inception Aghaz آغاز
Interface Mubaligh مبلغ
Impose Aaid karna عائد کرنا
Interact Ik dosra par asar dalna ایک دوسرے پر اثر ڈالنا
Idle Sust سست
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English Words Starting with I

A rich vocabulary for children is also important for improving their communication skills. Start word lessons at an early age to help your children build a wide and diverse vocabulary. The best place to start is in the beginning, so help your children learn words that begin with I. It would not only help you in learning the new word but also improve your power of speech as the more vocabulary you know, the better you can communicate.

This is an amazing platform that allows you to find out Urdu to English dictionary and vice verse. However, these English words starting with I page would redirect you to enhance your English vocabulary without any cost. Stay tuned to get the latest and updated vocabulary starting with I.