
Apples have a round shape with a depression at the top where the stem is attached. Some apples are almost perfectly round, while others are more rounded at the top and narrower at the bottom. Apple fruits are firm and the skin is shiny and smooth. Apples come in all shades of reds, greens, yellows. The flesh is white or ivory. Before consuming, lightly scrub apples in cool water to remove the light wax coating or any dirt and any potential leftover insecticides. Apples are famously good for us. How often have you heard that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Apples are delightfully crisp and juicy. Many varieties are available year-round. Unlike grapes or ripe bananas, apples stay firm in a backpack or purse, requiring no special protection. An apple makes an ideal after-school snack, requiring no preparation other than a quick wash. Baked into pies or cobblers, apples rank high among comfort foods.

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