Stuffed Capsicum Salad Recipe

Stuffed Capsicum salad - Traditional and yummy Stuffed Capsicum salad recipe is available at your disposal. Try making it at home from our exclusive recipe. It is usually prepared for dinner parties or special occasions as a dessert. Give your valuable feedback in the comment bar.


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Rehana from karachi
  1. 2 capsicum
  2. 1 cup thick fresh curds
  3. 1 cup grated cuvarhber
  4. 1tsp. chopped green chilies
  5. Salt according to taste
  • 1.Tie the curds in a thin muslin cloth. Hang and allow the water to drain out. When thick, place in a bowl.
  • 2.Squeeze out the water from the cu/var/www/hber and add to the curds.
  • 3.Add the green chilies and salt.
  • 4.Divide each capsicum into two and scoop out the centers.
  • 5.Fill with the curds mixture and serve cold.
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