Casaba Melon With Creamy Sweet Curry Recipe

Now you can prepare this yummy Casaba Melon With Creamy Sweet Curry at home without any trouble. Find the required ingredients and method posted on this page. Follow the recipe as it is to get the perfect taste.


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Laraib from London
  1. For the sauce:
  2. 1 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt
  3. 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
  4. 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  5. 1 teaspoon dark honey
  6. 1 teaspoon garam masala or 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom, 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves and a pinch of ground nutmeg
  7. 1 large casaba, cantaloupe or honeydew melon
  8. Fresh mint leaves for garnish
  • To make the sweet curry cream, whisk together the yogurt, lemon zest and juice, honey, and garam masala or spice mixture in a large bowl. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes to allow the flavors to blend.
  • Halve the melon, and using a spoon, remove and discard the seeds. Using a melon baller, scoop out the melon flesh and place it into a large bowl.
  • Just before serving, place 1 cup melon balls in each individual bowl. Spoon about 2 tablespoons curry cream over each serving and garnish with the fresh mint. Pass the remaining sauce at the table.
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