Chicken Red Jalapeno Recipe By Chef Zakir

Chicken Red Jalapeno recipe by Chef Zakir. This delightful Main Course recipe of Chicken Red Jalapeno can be ready in approximately 30 Minutes and good to serve around 2-4 People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.


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0:25 - 0:20

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Aiela from Multan
  1. Chicken breast2
    Saltto taste
    White pepper½ tsp
    Black pepper powder¼ tsp
    Garlic paste1 tsp
    Flour3 – 4 tbsp
    Oilfor fry
    Fresh red chilies3 – 4
    Saltto taste
    Flour2 tbsp
    Chicken stock1 cup
    Fresh cream100 gm
    Cheddar cheese100 gm
    Parsley choppedas required
    Butter2 tbsp
  • Cut 2 chicken breast into slices, marinate with 1 tsp garlic paste, salt to taste, ¼ tsp black pepper powder, ½ tsp white pepper powder, 1 egg and 2 tbsp flour.
    Now deep fry the chicken till golden brown and crisp. Remove from oil and keep aside.
    Finely chop 3 – 4 fresh red chilies, heat 2 tbsp butter in a wok, add in chopped red chilies and fry for 1 – 2 minutes.
    Add 2 tbsp flour and fry for another 2 minutes.
    Now add 1 cup chicken stock and cook till sauce thickens, then add in salt to taste, 100 gm cream, 100 gm grated cheese and chopped parsley.
    Lastly add in fried chicken and fold. Dish it out and serve hot.
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