Egg kabab recipe is simple to make and take less time. I daily made egg kabab for my daughter’s lunch.
- sabeen, queeta
- Sun 05 May, 2019
it is a very interesting recipe to make for a dawat or you can make it for aftari in the coming ramzan . I will also make this recipe because it is looking very tasty
- masooma, bahawalpur
- Sat 20 Apr, 2019
Egg kabab is nice tasty egg kabab protein full kabab it is good recipe made
- Tanveer, Lahore
- Mon 28 Jan, 2019
Egg Kabab I make this and love the taste,Egg Kabab is so common that you can now easily make this in your home.It was simple and awesome I truly love this food and it's very great taste.I try many recipes and found this recipes is quit easy and my family eat and was also like it.
- Anam, Karachi
- Fri 26 Oct, 2018