Ghiya Ka Raita Recipe

Now you can prepare this yummy Ghiya ka Raita at home without any trouble. Find the required ingredients and method posted on this page. Follow the recipe as it is to get the perfect taste.


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Hani Muzaffer from
  1. Yogurt – 2 cups
  2. Grated Ghiya – 1 cup
  3. Salt to taste
  4. Red chilli powder to taste
  5. Green chillies (optional)
  6. Garam Masala to taste
  7. Dry pudina powder(mint) to taste
  • Wash,peel and grate the ghiya. Pressure cook it with little water till soft (will take only one whistle approximately).
  • Stain it so that the excess water is removed from it.
  • Cool it for few minutes.
  • Whip the yogurt,ensure no lumps. Add the grated and boiled ghiya to the curd along with the spices.
  • Serve chilled…
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