Green Chili Cilantro Pesto Recipe

Make the mouth watering Green Chili Cilantro Pesto anytime at home. You can make it for special occasions for the guests. Find the relevant ingredients and method to prepare it online posted on this page. Your suggestions are welcome.


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shumaila from karachi
  1. 2 cups cilantro chopped
  2. 6 green chilies, minced
  3. 1 tablespoon garlic minced
  4. 2 teaspoons ginger minced
  5. 2 tablespoons water
  6. 1 cup fresh or frozen coconut, grated
  7. 1 teaspoon cumin seeds toasted and coarsely ground
  8. 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  9. 1 teaspoon sugar
  10. Salt to taste
  11. Note: Makes 1 cup
  • Place the cilantro, chilies, garlic, ginger, and water in a food processor and process to a paste. Add the coconut and process to incorporate. Transfer to a bowl.
  • Add the coarsely ground cumin.
  • Stir in the lime juice, sugar, and salt. Serve or use immediately, or refrigerate, covered, until ready to serve. The pesto will keep for about 4 days in a well-sealed container in the refrigerator.
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