Memoni Biryani Recipe in Urdu

Memoni Biryani Recipe in Urdu is regarded among the popular dishes. Read the complete Memoni Biryani Recipe in Urdu with ingredient details and method. It is a simple recipe and all required ingredients are easily available. Prepare the dish as per the Memoni Biryani Recipe in Urdu from top chefs and add the true flavor or taste to your food. You can also share this recipe with your friends and family members.

Memoni Biryani Recipe in Urdu

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Komal Aanwer from
میمنی بریانی (INGREDIENTS)
  1. چکن ۔۔ آدھا کلو
  2. ٹماٹر ۔۔ پانچ عدد
  3. نمک ۔۔ حسب ضرورت
  4. لال مرچ ۔۔ چار کھانے کے چمچ
  5. ہلدی ۔۔ ایک چائے کا چمچ
  6. لال پیاز ۔۔ ایک کپ
  7. آلو ۔۔ آدھا کلو
  8. دہی ۔۔ ایک پاؤ
  9. چاول ۔۔ 750 گرام
  10. لہسن کا رس ۔۔ ایک عدد
  11. گرم مصالحہ ۔۔ ایک چائے کا چمچ
  12. تیل ۔۔ دو کپ
  • تیل میں چکن فرائی کر کے لہسن ادرک ڈال دیں۔ چکنمکو بھون لیں پھر اس میں مصالحے اور ٹماٹر شامل کر کے بھون لیں اور چکن گلنے تک پکائیں۔ پھر اس میں آلو، دہی، پیاز پیس کر ڈالیں اور بھون لیں۔ چاوک کو بھگار دے کر عام چاول کی طرح پکالیں۔ پھر پتیلے میں چاول کی تہے لگائیںاور چکن پھیلا کر پھر سے چاول کی تہے اس پر پیاز اور پیلا رنگ چھڑک کر دم دیں۔ مزیدار میمنی بریانی تیار ہے پھر اب ڈش میں نکال کر گرم گرم سرو کریں۔
Reviews & Discussions

This is the different memoni biryani then the simple biryani who we easily make that by the following this method deliciously

  • urwa, multan
  • Wed 28 Mar, 2018

memoni biryani have the ultimate taste where you cannot stop your hand from eating this dish I suggest every woman to try this recipe

  • Tahira, Peshawar
  • Sun 18 Mar, 2018

Thank you very much for sharing such a simple and easy recipe for making memoni biryani. It was really mouthwatering and delicious. All in all a very yummy dish to eat.

  • Jahangir, Faislabad
  • Sun 17 Sep, 2017

OMGGGGGGGGGGG…….. I never cooked Memoni biryani before. But I used to eat it made from my mother’s hand. But now I will make it at my own with the help of this recipe.

  • Kailash, Jacksonville
  • Wed 13 Sep, 2017

Memoni biryani available in the hotels and restaurants contain a lot of unhealthy and unhygienic materials that are not good for health. Here you have given me the way to make healthy memoni biryani at home.

  • Rizwan, Taif
  • Thu 31 Aug, 2017

We are going to have a party in our university on Monday. I was looking for some easy to follow and tasty recipes of biryani. This memoni biryani recipe of yours, has excited me so much.

  • Khola, Lahore
  • Tue 29 Aug, 2017

My maternal grandmother brought me up. Once she told me the way to make memoni biryani and this recipe of yours is exactly similar to that one. I am so glad to see this recipe here.

  • Rafya, Udon
  • Mon 28 Aug, 2017

I am a foody and I always love to eat anything and everything near me that I feel yummy to eat. So this memoni biryani recipe is one of those things which I always like to eat.

  • Ghashia, Texla
  • Sat 26 Aug, 2017

I cooked memoni biryani in the last night dinner and my father in law appreciated me a lot for bringing innovation to the routine’s dinner food that is so tasty and delicious as well. Thanks for biryani recipe.

  • Kaleem, Abbotabad
  • Fri 25 Aug, 2017

Memoni Biryani is a new variation which I was thinking to learn and finally found the recipe posted here. Thank you for this amazing service. I will also take help from my Memom friend on this one

  • Shagufta, Peshawar
  • Thu 14 Apr, 2016