Oriental Seafood Bouquet Recipe By Chef Zakir

Oriental Seafood Bouquet recipe by Chef Zakir. This delightful Fast Food recipe of Oriental Seafood Bouquet can be ready in approximately 30 Minutes and good to serve around 2-4 People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.


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0:40 - 0:20

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Mustahi from Dera Ismail Khan
  1. Prawns 300 gm
    Fish (cubes) ½ kg
    Baby corn 1 tin
    Spring onion 4 – 5
    Red capsicum 1
    Green capsicum 2
    Soya sauce 2 tbsp
    Salt to taste
    Black pepper powder ½ tsp
    White pepper powder ¼ tsp
    Chinese salt ½ tsp
    Ginger paste 1 tbsp
    Corn flour 4 tbsp
    Oil for fry
    Crushed red pepper 1 tbsp
    Lemon juice 2 tbsp
    Honey ¼ cup
    Lemon juice 2 tbsp
    Worchester sauce 1 tbsp
    Chili garlic sauce 1 tbsp
  • Wash and clean 300 gm prawns. Cut ½ kg fish into cubes and keep put in a bowl. Add to it 4 – 5 chopped spring onions with leaves.
    Cut baby corn into small pieces, also cut capsicums in square pieces.
    Now marinate fish and prawns with 2 tbsp soya sauce, ½ tsp black pepper, ¼ tsp white pepper, ½ tsp Chinese salt, 1 tbsp ginger garlic paste, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp crushed red pepper and 4 tbsp corn flour. Keep aside for a few minutes.
    Tread in each fish piece, prawn, red capsicum cubes, green capsicum cube, spring onion cube and baby corn cube in separate toothpicks.
    Now combine all the toothpicks together and form into bouquet. Then carefully deep fry till done.
    In a bowl mix together ¼ cup honey, 1 tbsp Worchester sauce, 1 tbsp chili garlic sauce and lemon juice. Mix well.
    Pour dressing on top of prepared bouquet, serve hot.
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