Pizza Paratha Recipe

Access the most desirable recipes online posted on this page. You can prepare Pizza Paratha online along with the required ingredients and method so you can note them and prepare it with ease.


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daani from Karachi
  1. 500 grams of All-Purpose Flour
  2. 250 ml of Water
  3. 1 tsp. Salt
  4. Clarified Butter (Ghee) or Cooking Oil (as needed)
  5. For Filling:
  6. 1 Green Chilli (Hari Mirch) (chopped)
  7. Basil Leaves (chopped)
  8. 2 tbsp. of Tomato Puree
  9. ½ tsp. Cumin Powder (Pisa Zeera)
  10. ½ tsp. Salt
  11. 1 tbsp. Olive Oil (Zaitoon Ka Tail)
  • Mix first three ingredients & knead well into a soft dough. Put dough into a bowl and cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set aside for 1 hour.
  • Mix together the ingredients for the filling and set aside.
  • Take the flour dough and pat some dry flour on it and knead again for a few minutes. Make small lemon sized balls out of the complete dough. Take a ball and flatten it using a roller. Spread tomato paste all over leaving a 2/3 cm border. Fold into a semi circle and roll it out again. Fold again into a quarter of a circle. Roll it out into a triangle pizza shape.
  • Heat a non stick pan and spread clarified butter or on it. Cook the pizza paratha on one side until it puffs up and is brown
  • on one side. Spread some clarified butter or oil on raw side and flip it over and cook other side well.
Reviews & Discussions

Pizza is my weak point and pizza paratha is new recipe and dish for me. I will try pizza paratha in my breakfast.

  • huma, faislabad
  • Tue 14 May, 2019

my best friend is best chef she always made tasty dishes. And she made pizza so delicious we always asked her for pizza.

  • aiza, faislabad
  • Sat 11 May, 2019

Pizza paratha is best made really good it is like pizza i am made persnally great experience

  • Kamran, Rawalpindi
  • Thu 24 Jan, 2019

Pizza Paratha I make this last Saturday and love the taste, its soft spicy & yummy enough, Its really easy to make this homemade pizza paratha I try many recipes and found this recipes is quit easy it and whole family also like eat.

  • Shabana, Lahore
  • Fri 26 Oct, 2018

I think in paratha all the ingredients for making pizza make more tasty, it also make some less time because the dough is not required.

  • shumaila, khi
  • Fri 19 Jun, 2015

I am not sure about the flour which the chef use for making pizza paratha, about the quantity which is equal or not.

  • maleeha, khi
  • Wed 18 Mar, 2015

The taste is just like a pizza in this paratha but it is more than heavy dish, i also make it in my home many times, every one like it.

  • umaima, khi
  • Sun 22 Feb, 2015

Pizza paratha is a very heavy dish but it is very tasty and good for the children because it is very healthy and easy to make but he ingredients is very much.

  • inaya, khi
  • Tue 06 Jan, 2015

My sister made pizza paratha but i dont like it because this is much heavy dish, i just eat some bites of it and feel my appetite full of meal but this such a different dish.

  • roheela, khi
  • Thu 20 Nov, 2014

Such an easy and tasty deserts, i note this recipe but same way i also make pizza sandwich with the help of bread, in which sandwich maker is necessary in home.

  • neelam, lahore
  • Fri 19 Sep, 2014