Thai Red Curry Recipe

Now you can prepare this yummy Thai Red Curry at home without any trouble. Find the required ingredients and method posted on this page. Follow the recipe as it is to get the perfect taste.


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Ainy Mehmood from Peshawar
  1. Boneless Chicken ½ kg
  2. Tomato paste 250 grams
  3. Coconut powder 2 packet
  4. Chopped garlic 2tbsp
  5. Red chili powder 2tsp
  6. Cumin powder ½ tsp
  7. Turmeric powder 1/4tsp
  8. Lemon grass 1 stick
  9. Crushed red chili ½ tsp
  10. Curry leaves 8-10
  11. Salt as per taste
  12. Ajinomoto ½ tsp
  13. Oil ¼ cup
  • Heat oil in a pan and add 2tbsp Chopped garlic paste and let it brown.
  • Then add 250 tomato paste, salt, ¼ tsp turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp cumin powder, 2tsp red chili powder and ½ tsp of Chinese salt and cook till 15 minutes.
  • Now add ½ kg of chicken in above mixture and cook for 10 min.
  • Then add 2 tbsp of coconut powder.
  • Fry 8-10 curry leaves, 1 stick lemon grass,1/2tsp of crushed red chili in a pan .
  • Then pour above mixture on chicken curry.
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