Zarda Recipe

Those who are learning how to cook can try out this delicious Zarda posted here along with ingredients and step by step method. You can facilitate from this online recipe service and make some delicious food for your family.


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Shenila atif from Lahore
  1. 2 cups rice
  2. 20 dates (pitted and quartered)
  3. 1/ cups sugar
  4. 1/2 tsp saffron, rose or kewda
  5. tsp cardamom seeds essence
  6. a dash of salt
  7. 1/4 coconut (sliced fine)
  8. a few drops each of red, orange a few seedless raisins (of and green food coloring various colors, if possible)
  9. 4 tblsps cream I tsp shahjeera
  10. 25 grams each of almonds
  11. 4 tblsps ghee and pistachios (blanched, 2 rings canned pineapple. fried and sliced)
  12. silver or gold foil
  13. 25 grams each of cashewnats,
  14. a few fresh rose petals walnuts and raisins (fried and sliced)
  • Boil the rice in 5 cups of hot water until nearly done. Strain out the water. In a separate vessel, mix the sugar with 1/2 cup of water and cook till the mixture turns into a syrup of medium constancy. Into this add the cardamom seeds, salt and rice. Cover tight and cook over a slow fire until dry. Remove from fire and divide the rice into seven equal portions. Co lour one portion dark green, the second a light green, the third a dark red, the fourth a pink, the fifth an orange. and the sixth a very light orange. Leave the seventh portion white. After a few minutes mix all the portions together. Mix in the cream, nuts, dates, essence, coconut and raisins. Sprinkle the shahjeera on top and pour 4 tblsps of smoking hot ghee over the whole. Cover diced pineapple, with foil and garnish the zarda with them. Sprinkle rose petals an top and serve at once.
Reviews & Discussions

Cooking is not something everyone can do. Only few people like my mother can cook some mouth watering recipes. I am learning from her and from all the chefs who give us new recipes on TV. Just noted down this Zarda recipe from this online page.

  • Babr, Karachi
  • Wed 31 Aug, 2016