AED Dirham to PKR Rate Today

76.55 PKR

Today, on 29 March, 2025, the exchange rate for 1 AED to PKR is RS. 76.55 in the open market. The UAE Dirham to PKR exchange rate changed from 76.8 to 76.55 during the last trading session in the currency market. The UAE Dirham to Pakistani Rupee has fallen by PKR 0.25, a change of 0.326%, in the trading session.

1 UAE Dirham = 76.55 Pakistani Rupees
As on Mar 29, 2025 at 09:38 PST (GMT+5)
AED to PKR Stats
Last 30 days Last 90 days
High 76.8 76.8
Low 76.55 76.1
Average 76.7 76.54
AED TO PKR chart & Graph
UAE Dirham Profile
Name Symbol Minor Unit Minor Unit Symbol
UAE Dirham د.إ 1/100 = fils فلس
AED to PKR Interbank Rates History
Date Buying Selling
Today 75.90 76.55
27 Mar, 25 75.90 76.55
25 Mar, 25 76.15 76.80
24 Mar, 25 75.90 76.55
23 Mar, 25 76.15 76.80
22 Mar, 25 76.15 76.80
21 Mar, 25 76.15 76.80
20 Mar, 25 76.15 76.80
19 Mar, 25 76.15 76.80
18 Mar, 25 76.15 76.80
17 Mar, 25 76.15 76.80
16 Mar, 25 76.10 76.75
15 Mar, 25 76.10 76.75
14 Mar, 25 76.10 76.75
13 Mar, 25 76.10 76.75
12 Mar, 25 76.10 76.75

UAE Dirham to PKR Rate

Weekly performance of AED to PKR shows increased in value and Pakistani Rupee is up by PKR 0.20 or 0.261%. The peak conversion exchange rate of UAE Dirham to PKR was PKR 76.8 and lowest PKR 76.55 conversion.

Monthly Fluctuation of AED to PKR

Monthly fluctuation during the last 30 days as follows for AED to PKR: High PKR 76.8 and Low PKR 76.55 in value, where buying was PKR 75.90 and Selling 76.55

Sending Money From UAE To Pakistan

When considering sending money from the UAE to Pakistan, one may question the stability of the Pakistani rupee and how it could impact their transfer. Fortunately, the Dirham to PKR has remained relatively stable in in recent years. Dirham rate in Pakistan does not fluctuate on daily basis and stays content for long run.

While the PKR has experienced fluctuations in value against other currencies, such as the US dollar, it has maintained a relatively stable exchange rate with the AED. This UAE to PKR currency stability can provide confidence to those looking to send money from the UAE to Pakistan, as they can expect a consistent exchange rate for Dirham to PKR.

It is important to note, however, that exchange rates can still fluctuate over time. It is recommended to stay informed about the latest exchange rates by using online tools or consulting with a currency exchange expert. As this page provides the key information regarding the AED to PKR or Dubai currency rate in Pakistan.

Overall, the stability of the PKR against the AED should provide reassurance when sending money from the UAE to Pakistan.

Why Exchange AED to PKR?

With millions of Pakistani expatriates in the UAE, the AED to PKR exchange rate tells directly the worth of remittance that will come back home. A stronger AED means a greater number of PKR for every Dirham sent and surely impacts families in Pakistan significantly. The organizations, however, engaged in trade between these countries must keep a close eye on this rate to control costs and prices.

How to Convert AED to PKR

Converting 1 dirham in Pakistani rupees (Dirham to PKR) is a common requirement for individuals and businesses dealing with UAE and Pakistan. As the exchange rate between the two currencies fluctuates, it's important to keep yourself updated with the today Dirham rate in Pakistan or Dubai currency rate in Pakistan. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you convert AED to PKR quickly and easily.

  • Find the current exchange rate for AED to PKR.
  • Multiply the amount of AED you want to convert by the current exchange rate.
  • The result will be the equivalent amount of PKR.

If you're looking for a more convenient way to convert darham to pkr, you can use an online currency converter given on this page.

Converting AED to PKR is a simple process that requires you to stay updated with the latest Dirham rate in Pakistan or Dubai currency rate in Pakistan. By following the above steps or using an online currency converter, you can easily convert DHS to PKR and make your transactions with ease.


How much is 1 UAE Dirham to PKR today?

Today 1 UAE Dirham to PKR is Rs 76.55. In the last 30 days, the rate of AED to PKR has fallen.

What is the AED to PKR Open Market Rate today?

The AED to PKR Open Market Rate today is 76.55 Pakistani Rupees for selling.

How much is 50 AED in PKR?

50 AED is equivalent to 3827.50 Pakistani Rupees today.

How much is 100 AED in PKR?

100 AED is equivalent to 7655.00 Pakistani Rupees today.

Comments on AED to PKR Rate in Pakistan

One simple click gives you the exact EURO rate. This service is highly reliable for overseas users.

  • By: Zara
  • on Fri 14 Mar, 2025

Checking currency conversion rates to PKR is now simple, providing accurate and real-time updates for better financial planning.

  • By: Muneeb
  • on Thu 13 Mar, 2025

I always use Hamariweb to find the latest currency exchange rates, and it never disappoints with its precise information.

  • By: Misbah
  • on Wed 12 Mar, 2025

The Dirham to PKR rates on this site are updated quickly and always precise. The website is simple to use, and I trust the information completely. It’s the perfect tool for checking exchange rates.

  • By: Muneeb
  • on Wed 19 Feb, 2025

A rise in the USD to PKR rate increases the cost of imported goods, affecting inflation in Pakistan.

  • By: Areesha
  • on Tue 04 Feb, 2025

Disclaimer: The currency exchange rates used on this page are obtained from various sources of money market. The rates here are only for info purpose and are not intended as a suggestion or recommendation to trade. Please refer your local money market or banks for daily updated rate.