KWD - Today KWD to PKR Rate

918.34 PKR

14 Jun 2024 - Today, the 1 KWD to PKR conversion rate is PKR in the interbank exchange rate, as set by the State Bank of Pakistan. The Kuwaiti Dinar to PKR buying and selling rates differ in the interbank market compared to the "KWD to PKR" open market. The Kuwaiti Dinar to Pakistani Rupee has risen by PKR 1.42, or 0.155%, on the last day of the trading session in the interbank.

1 Kuwaiti Dinar = 918.34 Pakistani Rupees
As on Jun 14, 2024 at 08:22 PST (GMT+5)
KWD to PKR Stats
Last 30 days Last 90 days
High 922.28 922.28
Low 912.3 910.14
Average 916.04 914.17
KWD TO PKR chart & Graph
Kuwaiti Dinar Profile
Name Symbol Minor Unit Minor Unit Symbol
Kuwaiti Dinar ك 1/1000 = Fils Fils

KWD to PKR Interbank Rates History

Date Buying Selling
Today 909.34 918.34
12 Jun, 24 908.19 917.19
11 Jun, 24 907.92 916.92
10 Jun, 24 905.78 914.78
09 Jun, 24 908.74 917.74
08 Jun, 24 908.74 917.74
07 Jun, 24 908.74 917.74
06 Jun, 24 909.17 918.17
05 Jun, 24 908.21 917.21
04 Jun, 24 904.64 913.64
03 Jun, 24 904.64 913.64
02 Jun, 24 908.01 917.01
01 Jun, 24 908.01 917.01
30 May, 24 908.01 917.01
29 May, 24 904.07 913.07
28 May, 24 904.07 913.07
What is KWD to PKR Today?

Weekly performance of KWD to PKR shows decrease in value and Pakistani Rupee is down by PKR -5.27 or -0.577%. The peak conversion exchange rate of Kuwaiti Dinar to PKR was PKR 917.74 and lowest PKR 914.78 conversion.

Monthly fluctuation during the last 30 days as follows for KWD to PKR: High PKR 922.28 and Low PKR 912.3 in value, where buying was PKR 909.34 and Selling 918.34

Is the Kuwaiti Dinar a Stable Currency?

Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) is well-known for its currency's stability and power. It has consistently been ranked as one of the world's most valuable currencies, with a strong exchange rate against important currencies such as the US dollar and the euro. The Kuwaiti Dinar's stability can be credited to the country's huge oil reserves and the Central Bank of Kuwait's prudent financial policies. On the other hand, the PKR has experienced fluctuations in value due to various economic and political factors in Pakistan. Historically, the Kuwaiti Dinar to PKR has been very steady compared. The Pakistani Rupee having a lesser value than Kuwait currency to PKR, which is one of the world's highest-valued currencies.

Kuwaiti Dinar is the highest currency in the world

With a greater exchange rate than any other currency, the Kuwaiti dinar is one of the most valuable and expensive currencies in the world. The currency is trusted for savings and investments because it has a history of maintaining its worth over time. In comparison to the Kuwaiti Dinar, the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) is a much lower-valued currency. Despite this, the PKR remains an important currency in South Asia and is widely used in Pakistan, being the official currency of the country. KWD to PKR is worth significantly more than the Pakistani Rupee. With a current exchange rate of about 3.2 USD per KWD, the Kuwaiti Dinar is acknowledged as the most valuable currency in the globe. This makes it a sought-after currency for global trade and business. The Kuwaiti economy is largely reliant on energy exports, which have enabled the nation to accumulate sizable foreign reserves and support the stability of the Kuwaiti Dinar.


How much is 1 Kuwaiti Dinar to PKR today?

Today 1 Kuwaiti Dinar to PKR is Rs 918.34. In the last 30 days, the rate of KWD to PKR is risen.

What is the KWD to PKR Open Market Rate today?

The KWD to PKR Open Market Rate today is 918.34 Pakistani Rupees for selling.

How much is 50 KWD in PKR?

50 KWD is equivalent to 45917.00 Pakistani Rupees today.

How much is 100 KWD in PKR?

100 KWD is equivalent to 91834.00 Pakistani Rupees today.

How can I exchange Kuwaiti Dinar to Pakistani rupees?

You can exchange Kuwaiti Dinar into Pakistani Rupees from the money changers or currency exchange currencies.

Comments on KWD to PKR Rate in Pakistan

Efficiently tracking Kuwaiti Dinar to Pakistani Rupee exchange rates, this source serves as a valuable forex resource.

  • By: Huzaifa
  • on Tue 13 Feb, 2024

Keep track of the KWD to PKR exchange rates in the Forex section, a valuable resource for those engaged in Kuwaiti Dinar currency transactions.

  • By: Wasi
  • on Mon 12 Feb, 2024

Discover real-time KWD to PKR exchange rates on a user-friendly platform, ensuring seamless financial transactions.

  • By: Wafa
  • on Fri 02 Feb, 2024

Discover real-time KWD to PKR exchange rates, facilitating informed financial decisions.

  • By: Abdullah
  • on Mon 29 Jan, 2024

Check the latest exchange rate for Kuwaiti Dinar to Pakistani Rupee – a reliable source for real-time financial updates.

  • By: Huzaifa
  • on Wed 24 Jan, 2024

Disclaimer: The currency exchange rates used on this page are obtained from various sources of money market. The rates here are only for info purpose and are not intended as a suggestion or recommendation to trade. Please refer your local money market or banks for daily updated rate.