Pineapple Drink Recipe in Urdu

Pineapple Drink Recipe in Urdu is regarded among the popular dishes. Read the complete Pineapple Drink Recipe in Urdu with ingredient details and method. It is a simple recipe and all required ingredients are easily available. Prepare the dish as per the Pineapple Drink Recipe in Urdu from top chefs and add the true flavor or taste to your food. You can also share this recipe with your friends and family members.


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sidra mudassar from lahore
پائن ایپل ڑرنک (INGREDIENTS)
  1. پائن ایپل ایک ڑبہ
  2. پائن ایپل سیرپ ایک کپ
  3. کوکو نٹ آئس کریم دو کپ
  4. دودھ ایک کپ
  5. چینی دو چمچ
  • گرینڈر میں پائن ایپل اور پائن ایپل سیرپ ڈال کر گرینڈ کر لیں۔ پھر اس میں آئس کریم اور چینی ڈال دیں اور گرینڑ کر لین۔ پھر اس میں دودھ ڈال کر گرینڈ کر لیں۔ پائن ایپل ڈرنک تیار ھے۔
Reviews & Discussions

Very sweet taste of pine apple drink, I never make it but I drink it in ice cream and juice shop. I will make it with the help of this recipe.

  • shagufta, karachi
  • Wed 02 Jul, 2014

What is the benefits for this drink in the month of ramadan? Is it any speciality?

  • rehana, karachi
  • Sun 29 Jun, 2014

I make it many times, this is the most delicious and tasty drink. Every members and specially my husband like it too much.

  • fazeela, karachi
  • Sun 29 Jun, 2014

nice and cool

  • Sofia, Karachi
  • Fri 19 Jul, 2013

i lov hamari web is ki cookin is a realy super

  • maryam, karachi
  • Thu 27 Jun, 2013

i simply love hamariweb it is really hamari web

  • saira, arriyadh
  • Mon 22 Dec, 2008