Foil Baked Garlic Loaf Recipe

Access the most desirable recipes online posted on this page. You can prepare Foil Baked Garlic Loaf online along with the required ingredients and method so you can note them and prepare it with ease.


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Hina from Karachi
  1. • 1 long bread loaf
  2. • 2 tbsp softened butter
  3. • 2 tbsp chopped parsley (optional)
  4. • 4 cloves of garlic (lehsun), crushed
  • 1. Cut the loaf horizontally.
  • 2. Mix the butter, parsley and garlic very well.
  • 3. Apply half of the garlic butter on the lower half of the loaf.
  • 4. Make slits on top of the upper bread half and apply the remaining butter.
  • 5. Put the two halves together, wrap in aluminum foil and cook on a hot charcoal sigri grill for a few minutes, turning the foil a couple of times while cooking.
  • 6. Serve hot.
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