Pine Apple Split Cake Recipe By Zubaida Tariq

Pine Apple Split Cake recipe by Zubaida Tariq. This delightful recipe of Pine Apple Split Cake can be ready in Minutes and good to serve around People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.


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0:45 - 0:35

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Tanveer from Hyderabad
  1. Digestive Biscuits1 packet
    Low fat Milk2 cups
    Cottage cheese as required
    Pine apple (cubes)½ cup
    Low fat cream1 packet
    Brown sugar2 tbsp
    Corn flour2 tbsp
    Chopped almonds10
    1. Crush one packet of digestive biscuits. In a pan, take 2 cups low fat milk and 2 tbsp corn flour. Cook it till it thickens. Take a dish an and layer the crushed biscuits at the bottom. Add in beaten  cottage cheese, 1 packet low fat cream and 2 tbsp brown sugar.  Add in ½ cup pine apple cubes and cream  and almonds. Pine apple split cake is ready to serve.
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