Sesame Bark Recipe

Bite the delicious Sesame Bark prepared at your home kitchen. Revive the chef in you by trying various unique recipes including the one posted on this page. Note down the ingredients and method and share it among your friends who love to cook.


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Farheen from
  1. White sesame seed 50 gm
  2. Dark sesame seed 50 gm
  3. Milk chocolate (tempered) 500 gm
  • In a frying pan lightly toast the white and dark sesame seeds over moderate heat for few minutes. Add theses seeds into tempered milk chocolate.
  • Spread a thin layer of chocolate onto a baking sheet.
  • Place another piece of baking paper on the top and place between two flat baking trays. Repeat this process to make a second sheet. Leave to set for at least 2 hours in a cool, dry area.
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